I tested the performance of Glass using the C++ interface, but the recall rate and QPS differ significantly from the results of glasspy installed using pip3.
The recall rate and search performance of glasspy installed using pip3 basiclly matches the results on ann-benchmark .However, both the recall rate and search QPS tested with the C++ interface are very low.
Furthermore, I noticed that the GlassPy searcher can use level=3, whereas the latest code in the main branch does not support level=3.
Is the implementation of GlassPy inconsistent with the current open-source implementation? Are there any further opensouce plans for the future?
This is the information about the CPU of the machine I ran the test on.
I tested the performance of Glass using the C++ interface, but the recall rate and QPS differ significantly from the results of glasspy installed using pip3. The recall rate and search performance of glasspy installed using pip3 basiclly matches the results on ann-benchmark .However, both the recall rate and search QPS tested with the C++ interface are very low. Furthermore, I noticed that the GlassPy searcher can use level=3, whereas the latest code in the main branch does not support level=3. Is the implementation of GlassPy inconsistent with the current open-source implementation? Are there any further opensouce plans for the future? This is the information about the CPU of the machine I ran the test on.
Here is my C++ code: