zillow / ctds

Python DB-API 2.0 library for MS SQL Server
MIT License
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Using cTDS for Sybase? #96

Open amachanic opened 2 years ago

amachanic commented 2 years ago


Bit of a long shot but I'm wondering if anyone has successfully used cTDS for Sybase? I'm able to connect via pymssql, which also uses FreeTDS under the covers, but with cTDS I'm getting an exception, "Adaptive Server connection failed". I know that that exception comes from FreeTDS, but I'm not getting any other output. Any ideas or areas I can check? Would be great to use cTDS for this and not bring another dependency into my project.


joshuahlang commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delayed response on this one. Have you tried running with the TDSDUMP env variable set to a file (e.g. /dev/stderr). That may give you some more helpful information