zilongzhong / SSRN

This is a tensorflow and keras based implementation of SSRNs in the IEEE T-GRS paper "Spectral-Spatial Residual Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A 3-D Deep Learning Framework".
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I am getting only class 16 indices. #9

Open sandeep-25 opened 5 years ago

sandeep-25 commented 5 years ago

Hello zhilongzhong .Could you go through the code in line number 40,41,42 in SSRN_IN.py file.The below line is giving me only indices of class 16. m = np.max(groundTruth) for i in range(m): indices = [j for j, x in enumerate(groundTruth.ravel().tolist()) if x == i + 1]

zilongzhong commented 5 years ago

m should be 16, which indicates the number of classes in Indiana Pines dataset. indices is a temporal list that store positions for each class. You can find positions for 16 classes in the set train, which has 16 elements.