zim32 / mysql.dart

MySQL client for Dart written in Dart
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Multiple statements #27

Closed Lelelo1 closed 2 years ago

Lelelo1 commented 2 years ago

Multiple statements

When I run the following sql:

SELECT v.entity_id INTO @id FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar v JOIN catalog_product_entity p ON v.entity_id = p.entity_id WHERE v.attribute_id = '283' AND v.value = '889501092529' LIMIT 1;

SELECT v.value INTO @ean FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar v WHERE v.entity_id = @id AND v.attribute_id = '283' LIMIT 1;

(SELECT g.value INTO @image_front FROM catalog_product_entity_media_gallery g, catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value gv WHERE g.entity_id IN (SELECT r.parent_id FROM catalog_product_relation r WHERE r.child_id = @id) AND g.value_id = gv.`value_id` AND (gv.position = '1') ORDER BY gv.position ASC) LIMIT 1;

(SELECT g.value INTO @image_back FROM catalog_product_entity_media_gallery g, catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value gv WHERE g.entity_id IN (SELECT r.parent_id FROM catalog_product_relation r WHERE r.child_id = @id) AND g.value_id = gv.`value_id` AND (gv.position = '2') ORDER BY gv.position ASC) LIMIT 1;

SELECT @id, @ean, @image_front, @image_back 

...it failes. It also happened to me with mysql1 driver pub package. As stated the code runs fine in phpMyAdmin (and returns one result set). The error code lead to SO posts about needing to specify delimiter.

When I adding it, it fails:

DELIMITER ; SELECT v.entity_id INTO @id FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar v JOIN catalog_product_entity p ON v.entity_id = p.entity_id WHERE v.attribute_id = '283' AND v.value = '889501092529' LIMIT 1 ; DELIMITER

While this code works fin everywhere:

SELECT v.entity_id INTO @id FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar v JOIN catalog_product_entity p ON v.entity_id = p.entity_id WHERE v.attribute_id = '283' AND v.value = '889501092529' LIMIT 1 ;

Is it supported to make more statements than one in the same conn.execute(sql) call? Also, any help understanding why it not seem to work in (2) Flutter mysql drivers but works in phpMyAdmin would be appreciated.

Lelelo1 commented 2 years ago

I found the following: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/multi-statement.html

zim32 commented 2 years ago

As you can see multiple statements is still in the roadmap. Right now I am working on refactoring errors, this is more important and hard to implement with all this async stuff under the hood. So... Not now

zim32 commented 2 years ago

Multiple statements is something that need to be supported and negotiated between client and server and also there some specific things in parsing protocol packets

Lelelo1 commented 2 years ago

Which one is it, Multiple ResultSet?

zim32 commented 2 years ago


zim32 commented 2 years ago

The question is how to handle multiple result sets on select statements. How to return multiple result sets

zim32 commented 2 years ago

Right now execute() method returns single ResultSet

zim32 commented 2 years ago

Should we add another pair of methods like executeMultiple and prepareMultiple? Or maybe make ResultSet possible to contain inner result sets

zim32 commented 2 years ago

I think good solution is to leave execute and prepare methods as is. Instead make ResultSet extends Iterator, and add property called next to it. So it can ve iterated in for loop or manually

Lelelo1 commented 2 years ago

The above code I posted return one result in phpMyAdmin. (The first SELECTs are stored in variables).

In my use case I need to get id to then fetch other product attributes by certain value from the Flutter app. My goal is to fetch all product attributes in one execute

zim32 commented 2 years ago

Ok I will start to research this issue

zim32 commented 2 years ago

I've pushed recently support for multiple statements to master branch. Can you switch temporary to master branch in your pubspec file and test it? It should now support multiple statements

Lelelo1 commented 2 years ago

That's super to hear! I will try it the first thing I do on Monday and report back

Lelelo1 commented 2 years ago

It works, printing the results of the iterator you added:

static void printResults(Iterator<IResultSet> iterator) {
    while (iterator.moveNext()) {
      iterator.current.rows.forEach((element) {

I/flutter (20891): {@id := v.entity_id: 142508} I/flutter (20891): {@ean := v.value: 889501092529} I/flutter (20891): {@image_front := g.value: /f/r/freya-expression-apex-aa5494nae-front.jpg} I/flutter (20891): {@image_back := g.value: /f/r/freya-expression-apex-aa5494nae-back.jpg} I/flutter (20891): {@id: 142508, @ean: 889501092529, @image_front: /f/r/freya-expression-apex-aa5494nae-front.jpg, @image_back: /f/r/freya-expression-apex-aa5494nae-back.jpg}

It can be noted I could not use original syntax v.entity_id INTO @id but @id := v.entity_id instead

zim32 commented 2 years ago

Just iterate over results in for loop. It extends Iterable. See updated docs

zim32 commented 2 years ago

So I can close this issue?

Lelelo1 commented 2 years ago

Yes you can close