zimbatm / ffmpeg-static

Scripts to build ffmpeg with all the deps statically (webm + h264 included)
ISC License
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There are sed command errors in build.sh #103

Closed ChengWu-NJ closed 8 months ago

ChengWu-NJ commented 8 months ago

modify bugs in build.sh

line276: sed -i '' 's/-lgcc_s/-lgcc_eh/g' x265.pc --> sed -i 's/-lgcc_s/-lgcc_eh/g' x265.pc

line344: sed -i "" "s/prefix=./prefix=${TARGET_DIR_SED}/" ./Makefile --> sed -i "s/prefix=./prefix=${TARGET_DIR_SED}/" ./Makefile

line361: sed -i "" "s/vidstab SHARED/vidstab STATIC/" ./CMakeLists.txt --> sed -i "s/vidstab SHARED/vidstab STATIC/" ./CMakeLists.txt

mmirold commented 1 month ago

BSD sed (as used on MacOS X) needs those quotation marks after -i, i.e. the build fails on Mac after this change.