zimbatm / ffmpeg-static

Scripts to build ffmpeg with all the deps statically (webm + h264 included)
ISC License
497 stars 249 forks source link

The script don't compile ffplay. #35

Closed DarbyCrash closed 8 years ago

DarbyCrash commented 9 years ago

How can i compile also ffplay with your script on Debian?

Many thanks for your work! ;)

michalliu commented 8 years ago

My fork will compile latest ffmpeg with ffplay and ffserver support https://github.com/michalliu/ffmpeg-static

michalliu commented 8 years ago

I just send a pull request, maybe this project is abandoned. https://github.com/stvs/ffmpeg-static/pull/36

zimbatm commented 8 years ago

I'm happy to accept new PRs but don't have the time to maintain the project myself.