zimbatm / ffmpeg-static

Scripts to build ffmpeg with all the deps statically (webm + h264 included)
ISC License
494 stars 245 forks source link

Fix issues on macOS #86

Closed leonhandreke closed 5 months ago

leonhandreke commented 5 years ago
jkuri commented 5 years ago

hi @leonhandreke, thanks for your PR! I will also check it locally and merge if everything is good. btw, I made another ffmpeg static build with only CMake configuration here for an sample, but not sure what @zimbatm thinks of making such thing on this repository? please let me know.

leonhandreke commented 5 years ago

Thanks for taking a look @jkuri! If I understand your repository correctly, you're building a custom binary with static ffmpeg libraries (which AFAIK can be built with --enable-static). I don't know if this would be applicable to building ffmpeg itself, maybe @zimbatm knows more.

zimbatm commented 5 months ago

Probably too old by now