zimbatm / h

faster shell navigation of projects
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h --list #5

Open blaggacao opened 3 years ago

blaggacao commented 3 years ago

I find h very interesting. One thing that I'm missing from ghq though is: h --list | fzf to be able to discover projects fuzzily when I don't remember the exact name.


in such case all outputs have to be prefied with ~/code in order to change directory apropirately.

An alternative which can present projects without prefix:

h --list <put your pip-in-pipe-out-tool> -piping in a short names github.com/drienv/direnv and piping out a full path ~/code/github.com/direnv/direnv.

Or even: h --fzf (more minimal)

Is that something?

zimbatm commented 3 years ago

nice. I didn't know about ghq. I had a quick look and it seems much more versatile than h.

Maybe there is a way to bring the h functionality to ghq?

If you want to extend h to list all the outputs I am fine with it.

blaggacao commented 3 years ago

Maybe there is a way to bring the h functionality to ghq?

Only acceptable with alias h=ghq. ;-)

The real advantage of ghq in my opinion is beeing distributed as a binary.

Mirrored the request here: https://github.com/x-motemen/ghq/issues/294