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Support https base URLs in validation and registration system #2

Closed zimeon closed 7 years ago

zimeon commented 9 years ago

The current code does not support https, the replacement validation code https://github.com/zimeon/oaipmh-validator does support https but this still needs to be wrapped in put online at www.openarchives.org. Will collect here base URLs where users can't register.

zimeon commented 9 years ago

Texas Water Journal https://journals.tdl.org/twj/index.php/twj/oai (contact Kathy Wythe)

zimeon commented 9 years ago

Publication Server of the University of Potsdam http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/oai2/oai2.php has changed its BaseURL https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/opus4-ubp/oai

zimeon commented 8 years ago

Texas Digital Library manages a number of DSpace installations, e.g. https://uta-ir.tdl.org/uta-oai/request?verb=Identify (contact Ryan Steans)

zimeon commented 8 years ago

TU Berlin repo: https://depositonce.tu-berlin.de/oai/request supports only https (contact Michaela Voigt)

zimeon commented 8 years ago

ZIB.de repo: https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-th-wildau/oai is https since 2015 (contact Signe Weihe)

zimeon commented 8 years ago

In #5 @MakabaM would like to register base URL somewhere under https://ujcontent.uj.ac.za/

peterdietz commented 8 years ago

HTTPS issue when validating/registering: https://darchive.mblwhoilibrary.org/oai/request

cmmills commented 8 years ago

HTTPS issue when validating https://rucore.libraries.rutgers.edu/api/oai-pmh/

cyberthecaire commented 8 years ago

HTTPS issue when validating https://eduq.info or https://eduq.info/oai/request?verb=Identify

kajozi commented 8 years ago

HTTP issue when validating https://kola.opus.hbz-nrw.de/oai or https://kola.opus.hbz-nrw.de/oai?verb=Identify

QUHAS commented 8 years ago


pilasou commented 8 years ago

HTTPS issue when validating https://corpus.ulaval.ca/oai/request

zimeon commented 8 years ago

Error - `http://dspace.cusat.ac.in' is not an HTTP URL and therefore cannot be validated.

radzuwan commented 8 years ago


michaelsse commented 8 years ago

HTTPS issue when validating/registering: https://repository.westernsem.edu/oai/request

zimeon commented 8 years ago

Request from https://e-pub.uni-weimar.de/opus4/oai "Online-Publikations-System der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar"

sfbetz commented 7 years ago

HTTPS error when validating: https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/hssa/index.php/hssa/oai

cepek commented 7 years ago

HTTPS error when validating: https://ojs.cvut.cz/ojs/index.php/gi/oai

LuqmanH commented 7 years ago

HTTPS errors when validating: https://ojs.aut.ac.nz/applied-finance-letters/oai https://ojs.aut.ac.nz/pacific-journalism-review/oai

kcondon commented 7 years ago

Please register this URL: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/oai

rlucas1978 commented 7 years ago

@kcondon did you receive a response from your post?

kcondon commented 7 years ago

@rlucas1978 No, I have not.

zimeon commented 7 years ago

@kcondon @rlucas1978 - this is a laundry list of URIs that cannot currently be registered, waiting for action when they can

zimeon commented 7 years ago

Have put online support for HTTPS (as part of #8) and gone through the list above: