tavor --format-file vending.tavor --verbose reduce --input-file tt.test --exec "./executor TAVOR_DD_FILE" --exec-argument-type argument --exec-exact-exit-code
INFO using seed 1417189344237895429
INFO using max repeat 2
INFO open file vending.tavor
INFO format file is valid
INFO input file is valid
INFO using BinarySearch reducing strategy
INFO Execute "./executor TAVOR_DD_FILE" to get original outputs with "/tmp/dd-1-555497610"
credit [0]
coin [50]
credit [50]
coin [25]
credit [75]
coin [25]
credit [100]
Error: Credit should be 100 but was 75
INFO Exit status was 1
INFO Test "/tmp/dd-2-142371937"
credit [0]
INFO Exit status was 0
INFO Not the same exit code
INFO Not the same output, do another step
INFO Test "/tmp/dd-3-294882892"
credit [0]
coin [50]
credit [50]
coin [25]
credit [75]
coin [25]
credit [100]
Error: Credit should be 100 but was 75
INFO Exit status was 1
INFO Same exit code
INFO Same output, continue delta
INFO reduced to minimum
credit 0
coin 50
credit 50
coin 25
credit 75
coin 25
credit 100
credit 0
tavor --format-file vending.tavor reduce --input-file tt.test --exec "./executor TAVOR_DD_FILE" --exec-argument-type argument --exec-exact-exit-codecredit [0]
coin [50]
credit [50]
coin [25]
credit [75]
coin [25]
credit [100]
Error: Credit should be 100 but was 75
credit [0]
credit [0]
coin [50]
credit [50]
coin [25]
credit [75]
coin [25]
credit [100]
Error: Credit should be 100 but was 75
credit 0
coin 50
credit 50
coin 25
credit 75
coin 25
credit 100
credit 0
E.g. with the complete example