I have just finished reviewing your Milestone 4 submission.
Included below is my feedback for your submission.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ping me on Discord or email me at johnbreton@cmail.carleton.ca
Mark: 8/10
Overall Feedback
I loved your custom board versions (especially renaming Jail to Academic Probation in the Carleton version). You successfully added save/load, the international board versions, and cleaned up a lot of the code/design issues present from your previous milestone. I wish you all the best of luck with your exams and future studies!
Feedback Breakdown
Bugs Encountered
I did not encounter any noticeable bugs.
Code Issues
The files were not included in the JAR, but extracting the included XML files in the same directory as the JAR allows everything to work correctly.
(-0.5 marks) No tests were submitted. I am lowering the penalty because time constraints were cited in your README.
(-0.5 marks) Minor code smells
There are still quite a few magic numbers (numbers with specific semantic meaning) littered in your program (for example in Dice.java and XmlFileHandler.java). These should be extracted to constants to help keep your code more maintainable and extendible into the future.
Great work addressing the other code smells I had brought up.
(-1 mark) My feedback about the sequence diagrams was once again ignored. You need lifeline rectangles and those are not present.
This is -1 mark because this is the second time this feedback was ignored and was not mentioned as a time constrain in the README provided. I understand lacking time due to the reduced group size, but I made it clear this needed to be changed in my last milestone feedback and it was not.
You also would need to show return messages from these lifelines (even if nothing is returned).
You didn't include your class diagram in your submission, but I found it in your repo. I will ignore the fact it was not included in your submission for this milestone.
Good work on the rest of your documentation.
One member performed a majority of the work for this milestone and as such their mark will be changed to reflect that fact.
Another group member showed sufficient work throughout the other milestones and will have their mark raised as well; however not to the same extent as the first group member.
The third group member will receive the mark assigned here (8/10).
Hello Group 23,
I have just finished reviewing your Milestone 4 submission. Included below is my feedback for your submission.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ping me on Discord or email me at johnbreton@cmail.carleton.ca
Mark: 8/10
Overall Feedback
Feedback Breakdown
Bugs Encountered
Code Issues