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Wire in assertion that the appropriate product is created in Stripe #90

Closed zspencer closed 4 years ago

zspencer commented 4 years ago

See: https://github.com/zinc-collective/compensated/issues/79

This is a big commit because it conflates the formatting changes from https://github.com/zinc-collective/compensated/pull/89.

That said, it's also significant in it's own right. The ClientSandbox now has the ability to query and assert against Stripe, so we will be able to write full integration tests.

That said we probably want to consider spinning out a fake Stripe API so that our tests don't always perform a full end-to-end check.

Perhaps in Coruru, if something like that doesn't exist already?

user512 commented 4 years ago

I thought Coruro is used to test email, what do you have in mind in using Coruro to test product created in Stripe?

zspencer commented 4 years ago

Coruro's intent is to provide a seam for fake versions of external services. That can be email (in the case of coruro-mailcatcher) or it could be things like firebase or stripe or other such services.