zinc-collective / convene

An Operating System for the Solidarity Economy
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Operator Provisions an Always On Virtual Office Space on AWS #2

Closed zspencer closed 3 years ago

zspencer commented 4 years ago
Feature: Video Workspaces
  In order discuss things face-to-face within my organization
  As Colin Collaborator and Felicia Faciliator
  I want a Video Workspace

  Scenario: Operator Provisions an 8 person Video Workspace on AWS
    Given an Operator has ran `jitsi/build` for {{clientDomain}}
    When an Operator runs the `jitsi/provision` command with:
      | arguments                        |
      | --client-domain={{clientDomain}} |
    Then a JITSI meet instance is available at https://{{clientDomain}}

  Scenario: Operator Builds an 8 person Video Workspace on AWS
    When an Operator runs the `jitsi/build` command with:
      | arguments                        |
      | --region=us-west-1               |
      | --provider=aws                   |
      | --client-domain={{clientDomain}} |
    Then a convene-jitsi-{{clientDomain}} is available within the us-west-1 region

Deploy Instance:

Release Instance:

Install Jitsi

maximegalon5 commented 4 years ago

Who is the Operator? Does the Operator have a technical background? If so, then this looks straightforward to me. I'm guessing the intention is to translate arguments into UI equivalents making it easier for non-technical Operators too? Never mind. I read the Readme :) Looks good to me.

zspencer commented 4 years ago

Excellent question! I think for now we want to focus on Operators with some IT experience; with a small understanding of cloud infrastructure, security and linux hosting. I could see us working on something that's more "click-and-go" oriented (ala cPanel) sometime in the future, but I think we want to target competent-beginner infrastructure folks so we can iron out the scary bits before making it more consumer-friendly.

user512 commented 4 years ago

@zspencer Do you know if we have a ssl certificate to test with?

zspencer commented 4 years ago

You will probably want to self-sign a certificate for testing purposes (unless that doesn't work, in which case we should buy a wildcard *.zinc.coop cert.

zspencer commented 3 years ago

@user512 - Would you be willing to go through feature test end-to-end by hand and confirm that you're able to spin up a brand new convene installation without any trouble? And if you do experience trouble, could you add some check-boxes for us to pick off over the next week or two?

maximegalon5 commented 3 years ago

@zspencer I'm reading this issue as Vivek can go to URL and create Vivek's Music room and then share that link. If this is the correct interpretation, what action do you need from me to accept /confirm this?

zspencer commented 3 years ago

@maximegalon5 - This issue probably needs to be confirmed by @user512 or @cjoulain as they are more familiar with infrastructure management and terraform. If you want to become that person, I won't stop you, but it would require getting set up as a "developer/site reliability engineer" on the project, with a local environment that can manage our infrastructure, which is something @user512 already has.

Sorry :(.

maximegalon5 commented 3 years ago

@zspencer I agree. I'll wait for @user512 or @cjoulain to confirm and then close the task.

user512 commented 3 years ago

@zspencer, I still feel confused on how to get it running, scheduled a session with you.

zspencer commented 3 years ago

@user512 - Great! I also updated the feature definition in the issue to match the feature definition that we wound up building. Essentially, confirmation for this is:

  1. Can you spin up a Convene instance for your own domain by following the steps defined in the features?
  2. If not, what do we need to change or document?
zspencer commented 3 years ago

@user512 and I paired on creating a convene-test.zinc.coop client to demonstrate provisioning a new client; and it went well! I think we're going to see a few more rough edges as we add clients; but this feels "good enough" for now.