zinc-collective / convene

An Operating System for the Solidarity Economy
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🌫️🗜️✨ `Gizmo`: `LinkList` #2036

Open rosschapman opened 5 months ago

rosschapman commented 5 months ago

In Sutty's recent heuristic review of the Convene Marketplace they noted that Piikup's vendor list lacked important visual cues like images and stronger buttons.

While Adding images and allowing button configurations to Sections would be a good start to improving the user experience, the feedback is good cause to consider that the Section Navigation gizmo does not allow enough customization for different home page use cases.

For example, currently the Section Navigation gizmo does not allow:

Might link list gizmo that allows full customization of title, image, CTA/button, url, card type (new concept) be a better solution for marketplace hosts or similar use cases?

anaulin commented 5 months ago

Here is a brain-dump of half-baked thoughts that I've been carrying around related to this topic:

Having written all of this, I feel like making a new "list of links" gizmo and focusing on that is probably the way to go. Maybe we don't need the "Section" gizmo at all, and we should just delete it and let folks rely on the built-in section navigation until we have this better replacement ready.

Thank you for coming with me on this long journey to a strong agreement with Ross' original post. 👍🏼

zspencer commented 5 months ago

I did complete the migration of removing the old "every Section supports navigation to every other Section" functionality and added the SectionNavigation to the Entrance for https://marketplace.piikup.com. I don't think I did it anywhere else tho 🙈.

Re: LinkList deprecates SectionNavigation - I think both are useful; as the SectionNavigation automatically linking to all available Sections is a pretty strong win; and being able to link to anything is a pretty strong win. I don't think we should merge them. Also +1 to @anaulin's point that LinkList gizmo would ideally allow a Convene Space to compete directly with LinkTree and similar sites. (I would also love for us to be in a position where we had "too many gizmos" tho, so take this with an iceberg of salt)

Re: Improving Visuals - I was thinking that a neat way to do a standards-forward step would be adding opengraph support to Sections. Members could set the visuals and text the OpenGraph would show, and then when anyone links to a Section it will look fantastic. Once that worked, we would update the SectionNavigation (or the LinkNavigation) to consume the OpenGraph data. To make the LinkList or SectionNavigation more robust, we could update them to allow that data to be over-written manually by a Member or even refresh it periodically.

TL/DR - I dig it! And (for the short term) I would recommend:

anaulin commented 5 months ago

I am not sure that the images a user will want to add to a link to a section are the same as the ones they'll want to have displayed in a "preview card" or anywhere else. I also don't think that we should limit our users to at most one image per link, which is what OpenGraph dictates.

I think it would be better to focus first on building and defining the functionality we want in a configurable "list of links" or "list of sections". If any of the data we end up collecting as part of that ends up fitting the OpenGraph or Schema.org or any of the various other formats for this, then we can expose it in those formats as well pretty easily.

zspencer commented 5 months ago

So if we want to get people to want to buy some noms from the Vendors in the Piikup Marketplace, I could see the navigation looking like:

(I am now imagining a world where what we actually work on next is the Marketplace::LandingPage that is even more specific than a LinkList or SectionNavigation and also helps us solve the "Probably should have more context on the landing page" and the "where's the search?!" problem)

anaulin commented 5 months ago

Yeah, I've also been mulling over the "context for the marketplace" piece. I think we could do it adding an ActionText field, editable from the Marketplace configuration.

It would be neat to have a Space-wide "image library", so when you are doing anything that requires an image, like, say, you are configuring a section link, you can choose from a gallery with all the images that have been uploaded to that Space, including, say, all the product images in the contained marketplaces. Not sure if that would scale well, though, and it is certainly not a "must have".

All that said, we gotta start somewhere, and starting with making the list of section links more configurable (and to stop linking to the current page forcatssake) is a good place to start.

rosschapman commented 5 months ago

💡 LinkList with Internal Links

If our Convene LinkList Gizmo has a toggle on the "url field" to show "internal links" and allow setting a link to an "internal destination" via a autocomplete dropdown of Sections or other other content types, that would also make it worthwhile over a third-party integration.

rosschapman commented 5 months ago

It would be neat to have a Space-wide "image library", so when you are doing anything that requires an image, like, say, you are configuring a section link, you can choose from a gallery with all the images that have been uploaded to that Space, including, say, all the product images in the contained marketplaces.


Not sure if that would scale well, though, and it is certainly not a "must have".

@anaulin What aspect of scaling are you worried about? Storage cost? User interface complicatedness?

zspencer commented 5 months ago

Re: Space-wide Image Library - I would love for us to treat Files as an OS-level thing; We definitely should segment files by by Space; and at some point we'll want to start measuring storage + xfer (and CDN). At some point, this could be exposed to local file-systems ala dropbox/icloud drive/google drive... You know in our copious free time.

Re: Internal inks - I'm imagining something where when you add a link you can search all Linkable Resources with a fuzzy-finder or just copy-paste a URL.

This way, you could easily link to say, a Section or aMarketplace::Product or Journal::Entry; and everything looks spiffy.

Re: Auto-adding Sections - While I think the idea of say, auto-adding Sections is interesting, I think a single-purpose Gizmo for SectionNavigation is a better solution. Trying to make two things one things is perhaps as much of a drag-risk as trying to make one thing two things.

zspencer commented 5 months ago

P.s. I've added some updated use cases to https://github.com/zinc-collective/convene/issues/1988 based upon this conversation. I still think an independent LinkList is valuable; but I don't want to lose track of the ideas that are more applicable to the SectionNavigation gizmo

anaulin commented 5 months ago

Not sure if that would scale well, though, and it is certainly not a "must have". @anaulin What aspect of scaling are you worried about? Storage cost? User interface complicatedness?

I am more worried about the UX. It seems like you could quickly end up with more than a dozen of images in a Space, which would make finding the one you want obnoxious. Although perhaps that could be mitigated by e.g. showing the images in most-recent-first order. It just seems non-trivial

rosschapman commented 5 months ago

I use MarsEdit on mac for blogging and it has a very simple media manager that lists your images ordered by upload date with a single search input that appears to fuzzy match only on filename. As an MVP something like this would be pretty solid methinks.
