zinc-collective / convene

An Operating System for the Solidarity Economy
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🥗 `Marketplace`: The `Square` Test is failings on `Dependabot` PRs #2095

Closed zspencer closed 4 months ago

zspencer commented 4 months ago

Tests seem to be broken when on PRs that come in from Dependabot.

I'm not quite sure what the reason is; and didn't want to tinker too much since @RossChapman and @AnaUlin know more about how this works.

My current theory is we need to update the Dependabot Secrets with the Square credentials and Locations that they set up last Wednesday.

I think we used the operations@zinc.coop account, but the phone number for that is not tied to the Google Voice number for operationszinc@gmail.com; so I wasn't able to log in.

I did log in as zee@zinc.coop; and there are credentials there but I am not brainy enough to figure out if that's the right account or not.

Anyway, to unbreak the tests for Dependabot rolling again; I am ditching the with_square trait in the marketplace in the buying_products_spec.rb. We'll probably want to write a marketplace/order_notifications/with_square_spec.rb that tests that use case more explicitely, including assertions against the Square API that confirm we get the data in the PoS right.

anaulin commented 4 months ago

@zspencer did you double-check Dependabot's secrets for Square? When I was working on this with Ross last Wednesday, I didn't touch those at all, since I was planning to see if our changes in the "regular" CI were working first.

anaulin commented 4 months ago

Ah, I read now your detailed PR description and I see that you didn't check those secrets. I'll look into it.

anaulin commented 4 months ago


One of the Dependabot PRs is now green, and the rest are re-running tests, so I think we don't need this change anymore.

anaulin commented 4 months ago

And now some of the Dependabot PRs are failing CI because they can't install the stripe-cli, which seems unrelated to Square. Hopefully that will resolve in a bit.

image (e.g. https://github.com/zinc-collective/convene/actions/runs/7450262128/job/20271893601)

zspencer commented 4 months ago

Yea, those Stripe issues are... annoying. I would love it if we had a cached version of the CLI on our own S3 bucket that we automatically updated periodically (say, monthly?) so that we don't have to deal with Stripe's CDN blocking Github Actions servers.

Since you updated the Dependabot Secrets, I am going to close this out! Thank you!!!