zinc-collective / convene

An Operating System for the Solidarity Economy
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[DRAFT][WIP] Convene marketing content refresh (and maybe light branding, too?) #2270

Open rosschapman opened 3 months ago

rosschapman commented 3 months ago

(🚧🚧🚧 NOTE: I'm still working on scope and organizing thoughts)


Time has passed since Convene's marketing content published. Now the software is different/matured/better. The Marketplace is robust: just recently a client-owner built a marketplace for multiple vendors and made their first sale! The Journal is a strong competitor for other micro-blogging utilities. Etc...

But the pitch for Convene is outdated. The entire marketing/brand statement at https://convene.zinc.coop/ is an economical (although inspiring and well-articulated) 379 words (see Appendix A). There's likely more to say, and a better way of conveying how Convene is the ethical alternative place (to Patreon, Shopify, etc...) for your online things you've been waiting for.

UPDATE 3/2/24: I found another marketing page: https://www.zinc.coop/convene/. This would appear outdated.

Scope Notes

Your space on the web, fully configurable, developed and operated sustainably and in community. Current features include publishing content, selling and accepting payments.

Appendix A

A neighborhood of personal, community and commercial Spaces👩‍💻 🎲 🛍️ 🌱 🛋️

Annoyed by how hard it is to keep your group’s presence on the web up to date?  
Disturbed by how data about you and your friends and associates is being sold?  
Held captive by large tech companies that you don’t trust?

What if your digital life wasn’t owned by profit-maximizing corporations?  
What if you were confident that you could take your posts, comments, wishlists, favorites, reviews, groups, and other data with you to a new social media service, just like you can take your toaster to a new apartment?  
What if you could remix the apps you use just like you can a TikTok video?  
What if the fees charged by apps and app stores prioritized customer and worker needs over maximizing return to shareholders?

We’re breaking ground on a community-owned digital future

With a Convene Space you can:

*   Host a live stream
*   Conduct polls or surveys, collect suggestions
*   Accept payments
*   Publish updates across social media channels
*   Move between hosting providers, so you’re never locked into one vendor

If this sounds like you, [sign up for early access](https://convene.zinc.coop/rooms/sign-up)

For the Solidarity Economy Co-Conspirators

We get it, most software isn’t designed for platform cooperatives, worker-owned enterprises, or even small teams with a lot of trust between them. It’s just capitalism all the way down.

Convene is a platform for us to dream up toys and tools to change all that. Build them with us!

We hold weekly community working sessions where we build features together, discuss project trajectory, and chat about building a digital solidarity economy together.

Build your next community or digitally enabled small business on Convene.

Who are we?

Convene is designed, developed, and hosted by [Zinc](https://www.zinc.coop), a worker-owned digital product and service cooperative. [Contact us if you have questions or thoughts](mailto:hello@zinc.coop)

Our philosophy

*   **Human First** Not advertisers, not investors. People like our worker-owners and (eventually!) client-owners.
*   **Plays Well With Others** We work with powerful services like Jitsi, Stripe, Plaid, and more.
*   **Infinitely Tailorable** With full access to Convene's source code, designs, and regular open collaboration sessions, if you can dream it, you can build it.
*   **Data Sovereignty** It's your data, not ours. We don't sell your activity, and you can take your data with you.