zinc-collective / convene

An Operating System for the Solidarity Economy
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Spaces: Customization #23

Closed zspencer closed 1 year ago

zspencer commented 3 years ago
Feature: Branded Spaces
  In order to have a place that is truly mine
  As a Space Owner
  I want to be able to brand my space with communicative and cosmetic details



maximegalon5 commented 3 years ago

I've created a G Slide where I've pointed to some considerations.

They revolve around:

cricketlova commented 3 years ago

@maximegalon5 - I am very pro- removing jitsi branding in place of Convene's. The two experiences feel completely different right now and have no reason for a customer to believe that they're the same.

Additional thoughts:

cricketlova commented 3 years ago

& out of the two logos, definitely prefer 'C' one over the weird one. Is there a vector file for the 'c' logo? I'd love to dabble around with them a bit (no promises that it will be any better)

maximegalon5 commented 3 years ago

@cricketlova we didn't but I used Inkscape to create one here. Let me know if that works or if there is any other ones you need me to convert.

The C one seems to be preferred by us all atm.

zspencer commented 3 years ago

@cricketlova and @maximegalon5 - I've created a set of checkboxes for each of the items to take care of while rebranding. We are choosing not to change the meet.zinc.coop landing page at this time; because we expect that to be a place where we'll want to do more heavy construction before we release Andromeda.

@cricketlova - Could you give me more specifics on what in the "in room" experience you think we should replace with which colors? Ideally with hex-codes?

user512 commented 3 years ago

Moving this back to in-progress because we haven't rebrand Jitsi Meet needs to use your microphone and camera.

My understanding is we simply need to passed interfaceConfig.APP_NAME to override this but we have already done that and it doesn't wokr. Below is the source code referencing the user media permission overlay. https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/8e9a51f74297f26d569283f02afb6fc2674677ff/react/features/overlay/components/web/UserMediaPermissionsOverlay.js#L36 https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/8e9a51f74297f26d569283f02afb6fc2674677ff/lang/main.json#L661

user512 commented 3 years ago

Found this, looks like the Jitsi team disabled that, so we will have to edit the js code in Jitsi Meet to achieve that.

If you use your own deployment please edit interface_config.js instead of using overrides, since we disabled some, due to people not respecting our fair use instructions.


zspencer commented 3 years ago

@maximegalon5 - In your usage over the past week have you seen JITSI branding anywhere?

maximegalon5 commented 3 years ago

@maximegalon5 - In your usage over the past week have you seen JITSI branding anywhere?

No, I have not. Went to the demo site and fiddled around with it and don't see Jitsi anywhere, currently <- on my regular Chrome browser. However, I checked with a browser that I don't use and saw a reference. Uploading the screenshot on Slack.

maximegalon5 commented 3 years ago

Annotation 2020-08-24 113752

Also here. Didn't see it anywhere else on my desktop.

user512 commented 3 years ago

Still showing Jitsi Meet, I can take a look again.

user512 commented 3 years ago

Provisioned a new video bridge instance with a new snapshot that has the brand name changes. Ready to be confirmed.

zspencer commented 3 years ago

Thank you! This looks like it's working! I must have screwed up something when I allocated an instance...

user512 commented 3 years ago

Likely because I delete the wrong snapshot after testing https://github.com/zinc-collective/convene/pull/84.

zspencer commented 3 years ago

I'm expanding this issue to include more things around expression of color, as well as the domain-level customization