zinc-collective / convene

An Operating System for the Solidarity Economy
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🥡 `Marketplace::MenuGroup` #2340

Open rosschapman opened 1 month ago

rosschapman commented 1 month ago

Use Cases

Execution Plan

April has pointed out - rightly so - that Product "menus" on Convene look "haphazard" because we don't allow sorting or categorization. Fortunately, @zspencer's implementation of #2189 laid a strong foundation for improving organization of product pages.

✅ DECISION: As a first step, let's implement the capability for Marketplace administrators to group Products under sections (err...menus, aisles, taxonomy pending...).

During spirited text-based Discord task planning, there was first some temptation to consider a separate model for Product Section with a many association to tags. This way Marketplace admins could manage these sections via a typical CRUD-y workflow, similar to managing other entities like Tags, Tax Rates, or Products. However, @anaulin encouraged us to consider enhancing Tags themselves without introducing any new entity relationships. Because tags and taxonomies are user-generated the use cases across customers will inherently evolve to be nuanced, various, and non-linear. In other words, hard to predict from our vantage point. Ultimately we hoist a strong risk if we design a rigid relationship structure into the data model from the start.

✅ DECISION: After some deliberation, @anaulin proposed a (most reasonable) minimum set of requirements we need to deliver to support grouping of tags in sections on the page. Let's do these, show them to April, and start the feedback loop quickly.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Further development tasks/considerations:

🔮 Considerations for the future:

April's ask from email thread with Zinc & Co11ectiva

Back end function ask: Currently the menu order for Oakalandia looks haphazard. I'd like to be able to drag and reorder based on categories like Beverage, Lunch, Breakfast

A few catering menu items for Oaklandia have options for add ons ( see attached example) A few catering menu items are priced as a range. In cases we entered the higher amount but need to ask Oaklandia about that or > include verbiage to clarify

zspencer commented 1 month ago

I expect she will want to be able to order these (i.e. breakfast, lunch, then dinner) as well; but grouping is a good first step!

rosschapman commented 1 month ago

@zspencer Right. I'll add that as a part of a "Phase 2" in the description.