zinc-collective / convene

An Operating System for the Solidarity Economy
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Fix broken symbolic link for nvmrc #271

Closed zspencer closed 2 years ago

zspencer commented 2 years ago

When working with CJ, we noticed that their environment was haivng some weird issues. Turns out, the .nvmrc file in the convene-web directory was not a valid symbolic link; which may have been throwing their node-version manager for a loop.

Symbolic Links: https://www.lifewire.com/create-symbolic-links-ln-command-4059723

zspencer commented 2 years ago

@cjoulain - If you check out this branch, does it resolve the issue you were experiencing with the node version being flakey?

cjoulain commented 2 years ago

I don't know if this is more of a shell-specific issue? When opening a new terminal, my default seems to be an outdated version of Node (v 8.16.0). Example here:


The Node version doesn't update with this branch but I ran nvm use 12.18.3 and that seemed to take when testing on a new terminal. I'm not sure if there's a way to indicate an alias setting within .nvmrc or, for those facing this issue, if it's easier to mention this in the README (to run nvm use {node_version}. What do you recommend?

zspencer commented 2 years ago

I noticed you didn't run nvm which from convene-web. Would you be able to include that output as well so we get a fuller picture of how nvm is playing? Also, what happens if you use nvm use without specifying a version, and then run node -v? My hope is that will pick up the .nvmrc file?

I would prefer not to specify fixes for a particular version manager in our README. Each version manager has it's own foibles and flaws and weirdness, and it feels more like the responsibility of the version manager to provide clear debugging instructions.

That said, it looks like nvm has some guidance on deeper shell integration that may be worth exploring.

user512 commented 2 years ago

Tested locally.

❯ pwd
❯ nvm which
Found '/Users/tomlee/dev_work/zinc/convene/.nvmrc' with version <12.18.3>
❯ cd convene-web
❯ nvm which
Found '/Users/tomlee/dev_work/zinc/convene/.nvmrc' with version <12.18.3>
cjoulain commented 2 years ago

Just confirming this helped. I had been running nvm use {version} when it looks like nvm use does the trick.

Screen Shot 2021-05-24 at 8 01 29 PM
zspencer commented 2 years ago

Woo! Glad to hear it!