zinc-collective / recipe-box

A mobile app for collecting recipes
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Let's sketch out a few persona(s) so we can decide which one or two we want to center for the initial 1.0 release! #10

Open zspencer opened 4 years ago

zspencer commented 4 years ago

There are a number of ways to generate personas, ranging from simply making them up (what I call 'fauxsonas') to performing market or antropological research. For now, I think we're too restricted in labor-power to do a solid job of building research backed personas, but I'd be happy to be wrong.

This issue can be closed when...

We have a PERSONAS.md file in the repository describing the top three people we are designing for with RecipeBox; ordered so that when we're deciding how to build something, we don't detract from the experience of the first persona when building something for the second persona; and we don't detract from the experience of the first and second persona when building something for the third persona.

cricketlova commented 4 years ago

I'd love to take on a first stab at writing up a bit of a research plan to help round out these personas. I'm in the camp of making personas based on even a bit of qualitative research. Additionally, are there any current competitor recipe apps that exist? Are there food/recipe/health apps or experiences that anyone has done research on previously?

zspencer commented 4 years ago

Re: Research Plan - That would be incredibly helpful. I've been subscribing to cooking-related subreddits /r/cooking and /r/EatCheapAndHealthy but don't really know how to collect them into a useful research document.

Re: Alternatives / Competitor research - There are a number of them; we probably need to spin up an issue for aggregating the competitor analysis research. Perhaps @maximegalon5 has wisdom to share here?