zinen / node-red-contrib-nibeuplink

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New myuplink api for Nibe heatpumps #6

Open mkvarnst opened 4 months ago

mkvarnst commented 4 months ago

Thanks for putting in the effort om making a node for the Nibe api. Nibe seems to be moving over from "nibeuplink" to "myuplink". Luckily the the endpoints seems quite similar to i thought I might trick the node in to working with the new api but unfortunately I got stuck.

Hope you can steer me in the right direction.

zinen commented 4 months ago

I already started this work up here. https://github.com/zinen/node-nibe-fetcher-promise/tree/myuplink2024

But as I have no units online for me to test I got stuck. Currently my plan is to wait for when my system at home can be updated before I'm able to solve this and test it out.

mkvarnst commented 4 months ago

Nice one. Sorry for not noticing that repo.

zinen commented 2 months ago

A first beta release is now avalible here and it can be installed like so.

npm install https://github.com/zinen/node-red-contrib-nibeuplink/tree/myuplink2024

Its very limited for now but you should be able to read some parameters fom the API now into node-red