zingaburga / XThreads-MyBB-Plugin

A powerful MyBB plugin which provides a flexible environment for administrators to perform various modifications.
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Checkboxes - when you leave it empty, the previous value is saved #13

Closed Eldenroot closed 6 years ago

Eldenroot commented 6 years ago

If you select one or more values in checkboxes (and this field is not required) -> save the post (thread) -> edit this post and leave this checkboxes unselected (no value selected) -> save -> check the post - the previous values are still there... :(


zingaburga commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting the issue and sorry for the late reply.

I've fixed this bug in my local repo and should have the changes pushed up soon.

Eldenroot commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your time and great support!

zingaburga commented 6 years ago

No worries.

Note, is you want to apply these fixes, you'll also need XThreads to re-generate cache/xthreads_evalcache.php - this can be done simply by editing a thread field and saving it without any changes.