zingchart / zingchart-vue

A Vue component to create charts with ZingChart
MIT License
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Interactive Maps fails in the latest versions #6

Closed josechumillas closed 4 years ago

josechumillas commented 4 years ago

I've only managed to get it to work on zingchart 2.8.7. In the lastest version fails showing the next error:

Cannot read property 'push' of undefined

https://codesandbox.io/s/great-firefly-nuh5e I think that this is a code error, not an implementation error... I'm right?

mike-schultz commented 4 years ago

Hi @josechumillas , sorry for the delay. I believe its due to the zingchart-vue wrapper embedding that specific version of zingchart. We'll work on updating the wrapper to separate the two