zingchart / zingtouch

A JavaScript touch gesture detection library for the modern web
MIT License
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No typings information to use on TypeScript projects #35

Open max-rasguido opened 6 years ago

max-rasguido commented 6 years ago

There are no typing definition files (.d.ts) for this project, it would be useful to have some definition files to use when working with TypeScript.

max-rasguido commented 6 years ago

I made a simple definition file, I think it could use some improving so I'll leave the code here.

declare namespace ZingTouch {
    class Gesture {
        end(e: any): any;
        getId(): any;
        getType(): any;
        isValid(e: any, t: any, n: any): any;
        move(e: any, t: any, n: any): any;
        setId(e: any): void;
        setType(e: any): void;
        start(e: any, t: any, n: any): any;
        update(e: any): void;
    class Pan extends Gesture {
        constructor(options?: PanOptions);
        end(e: any): any;
        move(e: any, t: any, n: any): any;
        start(e: any): void;
    class Rotate extends Gesture{
        constructor(options?: any);
        move(e: any, t: any, n: any): any;
    class Swipe extends Gesture{
        constructor(options?: SwipeOptions);
        end(e: any): any;
        move(e: any, t: any, n: any): any;
    class Tap extends Gesture{
        constructor(options?: TapOptions);
        end(e: any): any;
        move(e: any, t: any, n: any): any;
        start(e: any): any;
    class Expand extends Gesture {
        constructor(options?: any);
    class Pinch extends Gesture {
        constructor(options?: any)

    class Region {
        constructor(element: HTMLElement, capture?: boolean, preventDefault?: boolean)
        bind(element: HTMLElement, gesture: string, handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): void;
        bind(element: HTMLElement): ZingChainable;
        bindOnce(element: HTMLElement, gesture: string, handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): void;
        bindOnce(element: HTMLElement): ZingChainable;
        unbind(element: HTMLElement, gesture?: string): string[];
        register(key: string, gesture: Gesture): Gesture;
        unregister(key: string): Gesture;

    interface ZingChainable {
        tap(handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): ZingChainable;
        swipe(handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): ZingChainable;
        pinch(handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): ZingChainable;
        expand(handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): ZingChainable;
        pan(handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): ZingChainable;
        rotate(handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): ZingChainable;

    interface TapOptions {
        maxDelay?: number,
        numInputs?: number,
        tolerance?: number

    interface SwipeOptions {
        numInputs?: number,
        escapeVelocity?: number,
        maxRestTime?: number,

    interface PanOptions {
        numInputs?: number,
        threshold?: number
kevinclarkadstech commented 5 years ago

Totally agree. I appreciate all hard work done on OSS but don't use JavaScript libraries these days if they don't have TypeScript definitions. Especially as if you write the library in Typescript you get the definitions for free, so for any relatively modern project, especially one written in ES6 classes already, it should have been written in TS to begin with. It looks like HammerJs has some definitions so I will have to use that for now: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/hammerjs/index.d.ts

@max-rasguido how thorough is that d.ts you created there?

max-rasguido commented 5 years ago

It was enough for my purposes, I think I took into account all the base use cases.

JLAcostaEC commented 1 year ago

I know this issue is quite old, but for those who need it, I have generated some types for the library, just include it in app.d.ts

 * The global API interface for ZingTouch. Contains a constructor for the
 * Region Object, and constructors for each predefined Gesture.
declare module "zingtouch" {
   * Allows the user to specify a region to capture all events to feed ZingTouch
   * into. This can be as narrow as the element itself, or as big as the document
   * itself. The more specific an area, the better performant the overall
   * application will perform. Contains API methods to bind/unbind specific
   * elements to corresponding gestures. Also contains the ability to
   * register/unregister new gestures.
  class Region {
      element: HTMLElement,
      capture?: boolean,
      preventDefault?: boolean
      element: HTMLElement,
      gesture: RegionGestures,
      handler: (params: unknown) => unknown,
      capture?: boolean
    ): void;
    bind(element: HTMLElement): ZingChainable;
      element: HTMLElement,
      gesture: RegionGestures,
      handler: (params: unknown) => unknown,
      capture?: boolean
    ): void;
    bindOnce(element: HTMLElement): ZingChainable;
    unbind(element: HTMLElement, gesture?: RegionGestures): RegionGestures[];
    register(key: string, gesture: Gesture): Gesture;
    unregister(key: string): Gesture;
   * Constructor function for the Gesture class.
  class Gesture {
     * The generic string type of gesture ('expand'|'pan'|'pinch'|
     *  'rotate'|'swipe'|'tap').
    type: string;
     * The unique identifier for each gesture determined at bind time by the
     * state object. This allows for distinctions across instance variables of
     * Gestures that are created on the fly (e.g. Tap-1, Tap-2, etc).
    id: string | null;

     * Set the type of the gesture to be called during an event
     * @param type - The unique identifier of the gesture being created.
    setType(type: string): void;
     * getType() - Returns the generic type of the gesture
     * @returns - The type of gesture
    getType(): string;
     * Set the id of the gesture to be called during an event
     * @param id - The unique identifier of the gesture being created.
    setId(id: string): void;
     * Return the id of the event. If the id does not exist, return the type.
    getId(): string;
     * Updates internal properties with new ones, only if the properties exist.
    update(object: unknown): void;
     * start() - Event hook for the start of a gesture
     * @param inputs - The array of Inputs on the screen
     * @param state - The state object of the current region.
     * @param element - The element associated to the binding.
     * @returns - Default of null
    start(inputs: unknown[], state: unknown, element: Element): null | unknown;
     * move() - Event hook for the move of a gesture
     * @param inputs - The array of Inputs on the screen
     * @param state - The state object of the current region.
     * @param element - The element associated to the binding.
     * @returns - Default of null
    move(inputs: unknown[], state: unknown, element: Element): null | unknown;
     * end() - Event hook for the move of a gesture
     * @param inputs - The array of Inputs on the screen
     * @returns - Default of null
    end(inputs: unknown[]): null | unknown;
     * isValid() - Pre-checks to ensure the invariants of a gesture are satisfied.
     * @param inputs - The array of Inputs on the screen
     * @param state - The state object of the current region.
     * @param element - The element associated to the binding.
     * @returns - If the gesture is valid
    isValid(inputs: unknown[], state: unknown, element: Element): boolean;
   * A Distance is defined as two inputs moving either together or apart.
  class Distance extends Gesture {
    constructor(options: {
       * The minimum amount in pixels the inputs must move until it is fired.
      threshold: number;

     * Event hook for the start of a gesture. Initialized the lastEmitted
     * gesture and stores it in the first input for reference events.
    start(inputs: unknown[]): void;
     * Event hook for the move of a gesture.
     *  Determines if the two points are moved in the expected direction relative
     *  to the current distance and the last distance.
     * @param inputs - The array of Inputs on the screen.
     * @param state - The state object of the current region.
     * @param element - The element associated to the binding.
     * @returns - Returns the distance in pixels between two inputs
    move(inputs: unknown[], state: unknown, element: Element): unknown | null;
   * A Pan is defined as a normal movement in unknown direction on a screen.
   * Pan gestures do not track start events and can interact with pinch and \
   *  expand gestures.
  class Pan extends Gesture {
    constructor(options?: PanOptions);
     * Event hook for the start of a gesture. Marks each input as active,
     * so it can invalidate unknown end events.
    start(inputs: unknown[]): void;
     * move() - Event hook for the move of a gesture.
     * Fired whenever the input length is met, and keeps a boolean flag that
     * the gesture has fired at least once.
     * @param inputs - The array of Inputs on the screen
     * @param state - The state object of the current region.
     * @param element - The element associated to the binding.
     * @returns - Returns the distance in pixels between the two inputs.
    move(inputs: unknown[], state: unknown, element: Element): unknown;
     * end() - Event hook for the end of a gesture. If the gesture has at least
     * fired once, then it ends on the first end event such that unknown remaining
     * inputs will not trigger the event until all inputs have reached the
     * touchend event. unknown touchend->touchstart events that occur before all
     * inputs are fully off the screen should not fire.
     * @param inputs - The array of Inputs on the screen
     * @returns - null if the gesture is not to be emitted,
     *  Object with information otherwise.
    end(inputs: unknown[]): null;
   * A Rotate is defined as two inputs moving about a circle,
   * maintaining a relatively equal radius.
  class Rotate extends Gesture {
     * move() - Event hook for the move of a gesture. Obtains the midpoint of two
     * the two inputs and calculates the projection of the right most input along
     * a unit circle to obtain an angle. This angle is compared to the previously
     * calculated angle to output the change of distance, and is compared to the
     * initial angle to output the distance from the initial angle to the current
     * angle.
     * @param inputs - The array of Inputs on the screen
     * @param state - The state object of the current listener.
     * @param element - The element associated to the binding.
     * @returns - null if this event did not occur
     * @returns obj.angle - The current angle along the unit circle
     * @returns obj.distanceFromOrigin - The angular distance travelled
     * from the initial right most point.
     * @returns obj.distanceFromLast - The change of angle between the
     * last position and the current position.
    move(inputs: unknown[], state: unknown, element: Element): void;
   * A swipe is defined as input(s) moving in the same direction in an relatively
   * increasing velocity and leaving the screen at some point before it drops
   * below it's escape velocity.
  class Swipe extends Gesture {
    constructor(options?: SwipeOptions);
     * Event hook for the move of a gesture. Captures an input's x/y coordinates
     * and the time of it's event on a stack.
     * @param inputs - The array of Inputs on the screen.
     * @param state - The state object of the current region.
     * @param element - The element associated to the binding.
     * @returns - Swipe does not emit from a move.
    move(inputs: unknown[], state: unknown, element: Element): null;
     * Determines if the input's history validates a swipe motion.
     * Determines if it did not come to a complete stop (maxRestTime), and if it
     * had enough of a velocity to be considered (ESCAPE_VELOCITY).
     * @param inputs - The array of Inputs on the screen
     * @returns - null if the gesture is not to be emitted,
     *  Object with information otherwise.
    end(inputs: unknown[]): null | unknown;
   * A Tap is defined as a touchstart to touchend event in quick succession.
  class Tap extends Gesture {
    constructor(options?: TapOptions);
     * Event hook for the start of a gesture. Keeps track of when the inputs
     * trigger the start event.
     * @param inputs - The array of Inputs on the screen.
     * @returns - Tap does not trigger on a start event.
    start(inputs: unknown[]): null;
     * Event hook for the move of a gesture. The Tap event reaches here if the
     * user starts to move their input before an 'end' event is reached.
     * @param inputs - The array of Inputs on the screen.
     * @param state - The state object of the current region.
     * @param element - The element associated to the binding.
     * @returns - Tap does not trigger on a move event.
    move(inputs: unknown[], state: unknown, element: Element): null;
     * Event hook for the end of a gesture.
     * Determines if this the tap event can be fired if the delay and tolerance
     * constraints are met. Also waits for all of the inputs to be off the screen
     * before determining if the gesture is triggered.
     * @param inputs - The array of Inputs on the screen.
     * @returns - null if the gesture is not to be emitted,
     * Object with information otherwise. Returns the interval time between start
     * and end events.
    end(inputs: unknown[]): null | unknown;
   * An Expand is defined as two inputs moving farther away from each other.
   * This gesture does not account for unknown start/end events to allow for the
   * event to interact with the Pan and Pinch events.
  class Expand extends Distance {
    constructor(options: {
       * The minimum amount in pixels the inputs must move until it is fired.
      threshold: number;

   * An Pinch is defined as two inputs moving closer to each other.
   * This gesture does not account for unknown start/end events to allow for the event
   * to interact with the Pan and Pinch events.
  class Pinch extends Distance {
    constructor(options: {
       * The minimum amount in pixels the inputs must move until it is fired.
      threshold: number;

  type RegionGestures =
    | "tap"
    | Tap
    | "pan"
    | Pan
    | "swipe"
    | Swipe
    | "rotate"
    | Rotate
    | "pinch"
    | Pinch
    | "expand"
    | Expand
    | Gesture;

interface ZingChainable {
  tap(handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): ZingChainable;
  swipe(handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): ZingChainable;
  pinch(handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): ZingChainable;
  expand(handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): ZingChainable;
  pan(handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): ZingChainable;
  rotate(handler: () => void, capture?: boolean): ZingChainable;

interface TapOptions {
   * The minimum amount between a touchstart and a touchend can be configured
   * in milliseconds. The minimum delay starts to count down when the expected
   * number of inputs are on the screen, and ends when ALL inputs are off the
   * screen.
  minDelay: number;
   * The maximum delay between a touchstart and touchend can be configured in
   * milliseconds. The maximum delay starts to count down when the expected
   * number of inputs are on the screen, and ends when ALL inputs are off the
   * screen.
  maxDelay: number;
   * The number of inputs to trigger a Tap can be variable,
   * and the maximum number being a factor of the browser.
  numInputs: number;
   * A move tolerance in pixels allows some slop between a user's start to end
   * events. This allows the Tap gesture to be triggered more easily.
  tolerance: number;

interface SwipeOptions {
   * The number of inputs to trigger a Swipe can be variable,
   * and the maximum number being a factor of the browser.
  numInputs: number;
   * The maximum resting time a point has between it's last move and
   * current move events.
  maxRestTime: number;
   * The minimum velocity the input has to be at to emit a swipe.
   * This is useful for determining the difference between
   * a swipe and a pan gesture.
  escapeVelocity: number;
   * (EXPERIMENTAL) A value of time in milliseconds to distort between events.
   * Browsers do not accurately measure time with the Date constructor in
   * milliseconds, so consecutive events sometimes display the same timestamp
   * but different x/y coordinates. This will distort a previous time
   * in such cases by the timeDistortion's value.
  timeDistortion?: number;
   * (EXPERIMENTAL) The maximum amount of move events to keep track of for a
   * swipe. This helps give a more accurate estimate of the user's velocity.
  maxProgressStack?: number;

interface PanOptions {
   * The number of inputs to trigger a Pan can be variable,
   * and the maximum number being a factor of the browser.
  numInputs?: number;
   * The minimum amount in pixels the pan must move until it is fired.
  threshold?: number;

Maybe I'm forgetting something, but I think it'll help a lot for now.