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Use Zing as Ok-to-Wake Alarm #17

Open ddwang opened 7 years ago

ddwang commented 7 years ago

From backer Duke Bonaventura

the ability to use the night light as an OK to Wake light for toddlers. Essentially, the parents can set a time they want to allow their child to get out of bed. If the light isn't on the child should remain in bed and go back to sleep. The problem with these clocks on the market now (with the exception of the Hatch Light) is that they aren't very customizable and they can't be changed remotely.

Features I've been looking for include:

  • Custom wake colors
  • Ability to double as a regular always on night light or motion activated night light if they get up to go to the bathroom or something like that
  • Ability to change the wake time. Example: maybe the child struggled falling asleep or was late getting to bed and you want to set the time later so they can get some sleep
  • Ability to have different schedules for different days. Example: my daughter goes to pre-school 3 days a week and has to get up earlier on those days
  • Sleep Timer: Ability to set a timer that gives the child a set time before they have to go to sleep, then the light slowly dims until off or a night light level signaling that it's time to go to sleep
dukebonaventura commented 7 years ago

Here's a crude mockup that shows an example of how it could look. On the bottom you've got the regular night light that's always on/off/motion activated then at the designated wake time, a green (or customizable color) light turns on to signal that it's time to wake up and ok to get out of bed

ok to wake