zingolabs / zingolib

An API and test-app that exposes zcash functionality for app consumption
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Zingo sync add client module #1314

Closed Oscar-Pepper closed 1 month ago

Oscar-Pepper commented 1 month ago

this approach will have the efficiency gains of the client being handled by a single task but will allow multiple other tasks to make requests concurrently. this also allows request prioritisation so small data fetches are not blocked on queued larger data fetches to complete and we can compare sync performance to varied prioritisation schemes.

zancas commented 1 month ago

this approach will have the efficiency gains of the client being handled by a single task

What efficiency gain is this?

Oscar-Pepper commented 1 month ago

this approach will have the efficiency gains of the client being handled by a single task

What efficiency gain is this?

Me and @idky137 conducted a test on codeshare where two tasks were requesting blocks simultaneously and compared this to two tasks where only one was requesting the same total number of blocks. When only one task was connecting to the server the blocks came in faster