zingolabs / zingolib_original

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zingo-cli needs test #71

Open zancas opened 2 years ago

zancas commented 2 years ago

Update the help output to correctly report the behavior of the app

zancas commented 2 years ago

Are their new commands, that are exposed? Are any of the old commands deprecated?

Here's the output of help as of this commit: (Intriguingly the order of the commands changes each time I invoke help....)

(main) Block:1703258 (type 'help') >> help
Available commands:
height - Get the latest block height that the wallet is at
import - Import spending or viewing keys into the wallet
rescan - Rescan the wallet, downloading and scanning all blocks and transactions
lasttxid - Show the latest TxId in the wallet
defaultfee - Returns the default fee in zats for outgoing transactions
seed - Display the seed phrase
balance - Show the current ZEC balance in the wallet
shield - Shield your transparent ZEC into a sapling address
setoption - Set a wallet option
send - Send ZEC to the given address
clear - Clear the wallet state, rolling back the wallet to an empty state.
zecprice - Get the latest ZEC price in the wallet's currency (USD)
decrypt - Completely remove wallet encryption
save - Save wallet file to disk
notes - List all sapling notes and utxos in the wallet
quit - Quit the lightwallet, saving state to disk
new - Create a new address in this wallet
export - Export private key for wallet addresses
syncstatus - Get the sync status of the wallet
info - Get the lightwalletd server's info
encrypt - Encrypt the wallet with a password
lock - Lock a wallet that's been temporarily unlocked
addresses - List all addresses in the wallet
getoption - Get a wallet option
list - List all transactions in the wallet
decryptmessage - Attempt to decrypt a message with all the view keys in the wallet.
sync - Download CompactBlocks and sync to the server
encryptmessage - Encrypt a memo to be sent to a z-address offline
help - Lists all available commands
unlock - Unlock wallet encryption for spending
sendprogress - Get the progress of any send transactions that are currently computing
encryptionstatus - Check if the wallet is encrypted and if it is locked
dannasessha commented 2 years ago

I just did a survey of aditya's branch, and this was a behavior I noted there. I am ready to do a similar survey over here now.

dannasessha commented 2 years ago

This is an issue for a command I am not sure is still useful. #90

I created several more issues for the cli commands, but none were rendered disfunctional or deprecated. I don't see any new commands except the option to do new o.