zino-hofmann / graphql-flutter

A GraphQL client for Flutter, bringing all the features from a modern GraphQL client to one easy to use package.
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The returned information is incomplete/missing. #1318

Open q1170541047 opened 1 year ago

q1170541047 commented 1 year ago

The response appears normal in GraphQL Playground, but it is missing a lot of content when returned through graphql_flutter.


query SCMessages { user(username: "sunday") { chats(count: 20) { ...ChatFragment } } } GraphQL Playground: fragment ChatFragment on Chat { type ...on ChatText { ...ChatTextFragment } ...on ChatGift { ...ChatGiftFragment } }

fragment ChatTextFragment on ChatText { id sender { ...SCUserFragment } role roomRole subscribing content subLength emojis }

fragment ChatGiftFragment on ChatGift { id createdAt sender { ...SCUserFragment } role roomRole subscribing gift amount recentCount expireDuration message }

fragment SCUserFragment on StreamchatUser { username displayname avatar partnerStatus badges badgesStr } { "data": { "user": { "chats": [ { "type": "GiftSub" }, { "type": "GiftSub" }, { "type": "GiftSub" }, { "type": "GiftSubReceive" }, { "type": "SubStreak" }, { "type": "GiftSub" }, { "type": "Subscription" }, { "type": "GiftSub" }, { "type": "GiftSub" }, { "type": "ExtendSub" }, { "type": "ExtendSub" }, { "type": "ExtendSub" }, { "type": "Message", "id": "e641ff8e-1fe0-4d2a-a40b-feab4eebdb63", "sender": { "username": "pgone", "displayname": "pgone", "avatar": "https://images.stg.dlivecdn.com/avatar/663f74c6-d293-11ec-aec4-5ecf312d324e", "partnerStatus": "VERIFIED_PARTNER", "badges": [], "badgesStr": [] }, "role": "None", "roomRole": "Member", "subscribing": true, "content": "1111", "subLength": 2, "emojis": [] }, { "type": "Message", "id": "c700f882-3782-40d9-8edf-4594b1659fde", "sender": { "username": "pgone", "displayname": "pgone", "avatar": "https://images.stg.dlivecdn.com/avatar/663f74c6-d293-11ec-aec4-5ecf312d324e", "partnerStatus": "VERIFIED_PARTNER", "badges": [], "badgesStr": [] }, "role": "None", "roomRole": "Member", "subscribing": true, "content": "你哈批", "subLength": 2, "emojis": [] }, { "type": "Message", "id": "ec8e5d5d-19f1-40dc-b03c-2bc2801889e0", "sender": { "username": "pgone", "displayname": "pgone", "avatar": "https://images.stg.dlivecdn.com/avatar/663f74c6-d293-11ec-aec4-5ecf312d324e", "partnerStatus": "VERIFIED_PARTNER", "badges": [], "badgesStr": [] }, "role": "None", "roomRole": "Member", "subscribing": true, "content": "你好", "subLength": 2, "emojis": [] }, { "type": "Message", "id": "1e04f31e-2e42-475d-a545-e60e159c1798", "sender": { "username": "pgone", "displayname": "pgone", "avatar": "https://images.stg.dlivecdn.com/avatar/663f74c6-d293-11ec-aec4-5ecf312d324e", "partnerStatus": "VERIFIED_PARTNER", "badges": [], "badgesStr": [] }, "role": "None", "roomRole": "Member", "subscribing": true, "content": "你好,你好可爱", "subLength": 2, "emojis": [] }, { "type": "Message", "id": "c32a4af5-7641-477e-9756-be7f4099a3d3", "sender": { "username": "pgone", "displayname": "pgone", "avatar": "https://images.stg.dlivecdn.com/avatar/663f74c6-d293-11ec-aec4-5ecf312d324e", "partnerStatus": "VERIFIED_PARTNER", "badges": [], "badgesStr": [] }, "role": "None", "roomRole": "Member", "subscribing": true, "content": "虽然不是同一时间,但是同一厕所", "subLength": 2, "emojis": [] }, { "type": "ExtendSub" }, { "type": "ExtendSub" }, { "type": "ExtendSub" } ] } } } graphql_flutter: QueryResult(source: QueryResultSource.network, data: {typename: Query, user: {typename: User, chats: [{typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}, {typename: ChatText}]}}, context: Context({ResponseExtensions: Instance of 'ResponseExtensions', HttpLinkResponseContext: Instance of 'HttpLinkResponseContext'}), exception: null, timestamp: 2023-04-20 14:28:08.705247)

vincenzopalazzo commented 1 year ago

maybe you are querying the cache in your application?