zinserjan / wdio-screenshot

A WebdriverIO plugin. Additional commands for taking screenshots with WebdriverIO.
MIT License
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Stitched together-screenshots get horizontal line "artifacts" in Chrome 59 #78

Closed mansn closed 7 years ago

mansn commented 7 years ago

This issue can be reproduced by running the wdio-screenshot tests in Chrome 59.0.3071.115 (x64). See the screenshot below:

Generated screenshot from Chrome 59 after running npm run test:local: (.tmp\desktop-responsive-document-1600) image

This might be a Chrome 59 issue?

mansn commented 7 years ago

This doesn't occur in Chrome 58 (verified by running on Chrome 58 on Browserstack).

zinserjan commented 7 years ago

Can you open an issue in the chrome issue tracker?

mansn commented 7 years ago

Sure. They probably want a good explanation on how the merging of screenshots is done, and it will take some time for me to explain that.

I'm currently trying the "normal" browser.screenshot-functionality to see if I can reproduce the issue without wdio-screenshot.

mansn commented 7 years ago

I haven't gotten around to create the issue on the chrome issue tracker yet.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that this doesn't occur in the current Chrome Beta (Version 60.0.3112.50 (x64)). So fingers crossed that it remains that way when it goes to the release channel.

mansn commented 7 years ago

I'm closing the issue, as it doesn't really seem to be a wdio-screenshot issue.

zinserjan commented 7 years ago

Cool, sounds good.

mansn commented 6 years ago

Chrome 60 is out on the stable channel now (since July 25), and I just want to confirm a second time that this issue is gone and not reproducible anymore!