If anybody had issue with screenshot higher/wider then view port which are caused by
javascript srollHeight (which takes scrollHeight even if it's not visible ) use this npm run role
"fix-wdio-screenshot": "sed -i -e 's/scrollHeight: body.scrollHeight/scrollHeight: body.clientHeight/g' node_modules/wdio-screenshot/lib/scripts/getScreenDimensions.js",
I will try to make PR however I see that this repo is death. Anybody have 'up to date' repo here ?
If anybody had issue with screenshot higher/wider then view port which are caused by javascript srollHeight (which takes scrollHeight even if it's not visible ) use this npm run role "fix-wdio-screenshot": "sed -i -e 's/scrollHeight: body.scrollHeight/scrollHeight: body.clientHeight/g' node_modules/wdio-screenshot/lib/scripts/getScreenDimensions.js", I will try to make PR however I see that this repo is death. Anybody have 'up to date' repo here ?