zinsmatt / SpaceCarving

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only the silhouettes are used #2

Open captainst opened 4 years ago

captainst commented 4 years ago

Very intuitive example and many thanks. Although, from the code, you used only the silhouettes of the images. I tried to generate the shape.txt using 24 occ, like this:

for occ, p in zip(occupancy, pts[:, :3]):
        if occ > 24:
            fout.write(",".join(p.astype(str)) + "," + str(occ) + "\n")

Then, I import the generated shape.txt file into CloudCompare, the result is a bit rough, which is expected, as only silhouettes are used: 未命名

Even using the occ > 24, the result is still worse than yours in readme. Could it be something I ignored ?

Many thanks !

zinsmatt commented 4 years ago


Your resulting point cloud does not look too bad. You could try increasing occ until 28. In my animations, the occupancy threshold is increased until around 28 if I remember correctly.

Also, the first image in the README shows a "meshified" version of the occupancy grid displayed in Paraview. (marching-cubes + smoothing).

I hope it helps.