zio / zio-actors

A high-performance, purely-functional library for building, composing, and supervising typed actors based on ZIO
Apache License 2.0
265 stars 56 forks source link

Add Scala3 support #308

Open softinio opened 3 years ago

12cowdog72 commented 1 year ago

Is an update for this ever planned? I've been wanting to switch from Akka to ZIO but being locked to Scala 2 is a killer. I tried to look at the code but the -F[+_] type signatures don't work in Scala 3 and I am not experienced enough with them to know how to fix it.

jn73 commented 1 year ago

I'm also interested in information about if/when this will happen.

ivanobulo commented 8 months ago

I was looking for akka alternative for scala 3 project and zio-actors would be a good fit. Is there a plan to release new version with scala 3 support any time soon? Is the project alive?