Open mattdavpir opened 1 year ago
Would it be possible to add something to handle ports not being available when starting the embedded Kafka (maybe even just incrementing the ports and trying again)?
There's already such a mechanism implemented but it might not work perfectly
Are you using the ZIOSpecWithKafka
trait? (
Hey, thanks for the response!
I am using the ZIOSpecWithKafka trait, I had a brief poke around and did see that it was incrementing a Ref but I think multiple modules running tests concurrently could still conflict with each other, e.g. they both create a Ref(Ports(6001, 7001)), both do a getAndUpdate to set the next value to Ports(6002, 7002), but when the second tries to start up on 6001 and 7001 neither port will be free. Similarly I think if I had a separate process constantly bound to 6001 and 7001 I think that the first embedded startup would fail, whereas I guess ideally (for me, at least) it would then automatically try again with different ports.
Very possible I'm missing something obvious here, though!
I don't remember the code (which I implemented several months ago 😅)
Are we catching the BindExceptions
and retrying with the next possible ports?
@mattdavpir Yes, you are absolutely right. This is definitely a limitation of how the ports are allocated.
Usually you run a single embedded kafka for all tests. Is that an option for you as well?
Are we catching the BindExceptions and retrying with the next possible ports?
No we don't. That would be a solution though.
The fix is kinda trivial: You catch the BindException and retry with the next port. @mattdavpir Do you feel like giving it a try? 🙂
Usually you run a single embedded kafka for all tests. Is that an option for you as well
I've got a couple of tests split across a couple of different sbt modules so I don't think so, but for now I can just explicitly disable the parallel execution of the tests to avoid the conflict.
Do you feel like giving it a try? 🙂
Happy to do some when I get around to my next "personal dev time" slot next week, but I've only just started tinkering around with ZIO so I don't know how idiomatic it would be (but hopefully it's simple enough not to have too much scope to go wrong).
Something like this in zio-kafka-testkit/src/main/scala/zio/kafka/testkit/Kafka.scala
private def embeddedWithBrokerProps(
presetProps: Ports => Map[String, String],
customProps: Ports => Map[String, String]
): ZLayer[Any, Throwable, Kafka] =
ZLayer.scoped {
def makeEmbeddedKafka(retriesLeft: Int): ZIO[Scope, EmbeddedKafkaStartException, EmbeddedKafkaService] = {
for {
ports <- nextPorts
brokerProps = presetProps(ports) ++ customProps(ports) // custom is after to allow overriding
embeddedKafkaConfig = EmbeddedKafkaConfig(
kafka <- ZIO.acquireRelease(
.catchSome {
case _: BindException if retriesLeft > 0 => makeEmbeddedKafka(retriesLeft - 1)
.catchNonFatalOrDie { e =>"Failed to start embedded Kafka", e))
} yield kafka
Not tested!
@guizmaii I am encountering this issue as well. Do you mind if I give it a try?
I've got a project using the ZIO Kafka Testkit that is sometimes failing with BindExceptions when starting the embedded Kafka from the testkit. I think that this is because the tests are running concurrently and each module's tests have their own refs that are being incremented independently, leading to them both trying to bind the same ports.
Would it be possible to add something to handle ports not being available when starting the embedded Kafka (maybe even just incrementing the ports and trying again)?