zio / zio-s3

An S3 client for ZIO
Apache License 2.0
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The use of heap ByteBuffers in putObject can lead to subtle OOM issues #247

Open jgiunti-coatue opened 3 years ago

jgiunti-coatue commented 3 years ago

The usage of HeapByteBuffer in the putObject method can lead to a pretty subtle OOM issue that is tricky to figure out. If you are using many threads to do IO, in this case putting an object in s3, the JVM is going to cache one or more of these ByteBuffers per thread, and by default there is no limit on the size or number of these buffers. As as result, if you create many threads for IO and these buffers are large, the app can use a lot of additional native memory that looks like a leak.

For us, when running in production, this presented itself as the java process consuming several more GB of memory than we had allocated for the heap and thus getting killed when it ran out of memory.

This issue can be mitigated by defining jdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize so that large buffers are not cached, but maybe it makes sense to consider using a direct buffer or something else.

regis-leray commented 3 years ago

thank you for the report i will look into

regis-leray commented 3 years ago

release v0.3.6 is on his way

regis-leray commented 3 years ago

@jgiunti-coatue please dont hesitate to reopen the ticket if you found other problem. thank again

jgiunti-coatue commented 3 years ago

Thank you!

regis-leray commented 2 years ago

The fix was wrong

regis-leray commented 2 years ago

It would be great to be able to reproduce this error. It looks like we are accumulating the whole data in memory, which is weird since we are streaming the data.

@jgiunti-coatue Can you show how did you create stream (content) passed in parameter of the function putObject

 def putObject[R](
    bucketName: String,
    key: String,
    contentLength: Long,
    content: ZStream[R, Throwable, Byte],
    options: UploadOptions
jgiunti-coatue commented 2 years ago

@regis-leray we have since moved to using multiPartUpload as it seems to be truly using the stream to send the data to s3 and we haven't had the issue since. If I'm not mistaken, it seems like the conversion of the ZStream in the putObject function by calling toPublisher consumes the entire stream, which is why I think the whole data is being accumulated in memory.

Check out the streamToPublisher method in the reactive streams interop

def streamToPublisher[R, E <: Throwable, O](stream: ZStream[R, E, O]): ZIO[R, Nothing, Publisher[O]] =
    ZIO.runtime.map { runtime => subscriber =>
      if (subscriber == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Subscriber must not be null.")
      } else {
          for {
            demand <- Queue.unbounded[Long]
            _      <- UIO(subscriber.onSubscribe(createSubscription(subscriber, demand, runtime)))
            _ <- stream
                   .run(demandUnfoldSink(subscriber, demand))
                   .catchAll(e => UIO(subscriber.onError(e)))
          } yield ()

The stream is consumed using a sink in order to create the publisher. I think this is why all the data is accumulated in memory.

regis-leray commented 2 years ago

Glad to hear, you were able to solve it.

thank you, it really help about your findings, i will try to see how we can build a safer publisher or will be force to change the signature to a ByteBuffer.

Need to investigate when we are building a bridge ZIO => Reactive Stream if we need to evaluate the whole stream in memory.

regis-leray commented 2 years ago

Im still looking what could cause this issue. Based on the discussion on discord channel with zio team, we didnt find any clue or problem which could lead to accumulate data in memory

jgiunti-coatue commented 2 years ago

@regis-leray This article was very helpful in helping me to understand the issue with using ByteBuffers. The problem we were encountering was using many threads to upload multiple large files to s3. This was causing OOM issues even though our heap was relatively low because they are allocated into native memory. This isn't an issue per se, but it can cause problems if you don't set specific java options to limit the amount of native memory and the size of the buffers that are cached per thread. The implementation using byte buffers isn't wrong per se, but it can cause non-obvious OOM issues for users.