ziofat / material_design_icons_flutter

The Material Design Icons (https://materialdesignicons.com/) Icon pack available as set of Flutter Icons.
MIT License
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Is that possible to use this package somehow in flutter_web? #8

Closed sgon00 closed 5 years ago

sgon00 commented 5 years ago

After reading https://github.com/flutter/flutter_web/tree/master/examples/gallery/web/assets, I am not quite sure what to do and if it's possible to use this package somehow in flutter_web. Thanks a lot.

Edited: by reading this commit, maybe flutter_web will be merged to flutter soon...

ziofat commented 5 years ago

That's correct, flutter_web will eventually be merged to flutter.

Currently you cannot use this package in flutter_web because as now flutter_web does not have a plugin system.

Check the FAQ in flutter_web for further explanation.

sgon00 commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot for the reply. The FAQ was not present at the time I filed this question. Hopefully flutterweb can be merged to flutter in a month. (Btw, your Chinese name surprised me when I read my notification email. ^^ 有个性。)

sgon00 commented 4 years ago

Dear sir, now flutter_web is kinda merged to flutter. Refer to this wiki https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Building-a-web-application-with-Flutter . But this icon plugin still does not work. Do you have any ideas how to make it work? The default Icons package is working though, so I think somehow, this package should work too with proper configuration. Thanks a lot.

sgon00 commented 4 years ago

Please ignore my last comment. That was a bug. I filed it at flutter issue #39486 and it's fixed now. Thus, this package works in flutter_web now.

ziofat commented 4 years ago

@sgon00 Sure, that is how I found it as well.