zipengliang21 / Pokedex

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Scrum 5 #69

Open Jenna-Che opened 3 years ago

Jenna-Che commented 3 years ago

Jenna Che f0g2b

(1) What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? Improve accessibility for the application. DId pair programming with Zipeng about Login part and deployment.

(2) What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? The deployment part.

(3) What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? Improve forum part (add deletion function), improve deployment (deploy in two servers instead of one), Presentation practice

harriet247 commented 3 years ago

Jenna Che f0g2b

(1) What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? Revise profile database schema to match up with user schema. Improve bug on profile edit page and resolve backend issues.

(2) What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? Revision on the database and its respective backend issue

(3) What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? Help with maintaining clean code and fix bugs before final presentation. Prepare and practice the presentation with my teammates through meetings

zipengliang21 commented 3 years ago

Zipeng Liang c3k2b

(1) What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? Improve authentication part, including login, register, and logout function in the backend, and add some error handling popup window in the frontend. Figure out how to deploy our project.

(2) What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? How to deploy our project into Heroku.

(3) What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? Improve the way to deploy our project. Add translation functionality. (i.e English and Chinese). Practice the upcoming presentation.

dingyou0203 commented 3 years ago

You Ding o6s1b

(1) What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? Make the page more responsive. Write the readme document for the project.

(2) What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? The responsive part.

(3) What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? Deployment and the Presentation practice