ziplab / SPT

[ICCV 2023 oral] This is the official repository for our paper: ''Sensitivity-Aware Visual Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning''.
MIT License
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Does SPT support the selection of sensitive parameters in LLMS? #4

Open CaiJichang212 opened 2 weeks ago

CaiJichang212 commented 2 weeks ago

Does SPT support the selection of sensitive parameters in LLMS? Very excited to see your work, I want to migrate your work to LLM, How can I change the code? Can you give me some advice? Thank you very much.

Charleshhy commented 2 weeks ago

Hi CaiJichang212,

Thanks for your interest in our work! I intended to integrate our work into this repo but was too busy to do so. So my suggestion would be to integrate the coarse-grained tuning into this repo as fine-grained tuning is a little bit more tricky.

Regards, Haoyu

CaiJichang212 commented 2 weeks ago

thank for you reply.