zipline-live / zipline

Zipline-Live, a Pythonic Algorithmic Trading Library
Apache License 2.0
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Select Account id when using Single Sign-On (SSO) in live trading #104

Open florentchandelier opened 6 years ago

florentchandelier commented 6 years ago


adding an input parameter at run time to select the account on which trading should occur in the case of connecting to IB with a SSO for advisor account (linked accounts) or personal account (consolidated accounts)


I realise I have my other changes on unrelated files (docs/source/ and (docs/source/development-guidelines.rst) - sorry for this.

davidstyers commented 5 years ago

Can you provide documentation on how to specify accounts upon running an algo? Thanks

Lambdac0re commented 5 years ago

Is this project dead?

githubbla commented 5 years ago

Does anybody see positions on specific account? [2019-01-18 20:14:53.509219] INFO: algo: Portfolio({'capital_used': None, 'starting_cash': None, 'portfolio_value': 148005.87, 'pnl': 2141.7, 'returns': None, 'cash': -7189.68, 'positions': {}, 'start_date': None, 'positions_value': 155088.0, 'positions_exposure': 1.0486123168944719})