zishang520 / socket.io

socket.io for golang, Start your pleasant journey! Support Socket.IO v4+😀
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Golang client #37

Open GaetanBaert opened 5 months ago

GaetanBaert commented 5 months ago


For my project, I need to connect as a client with my Golang app. Is it possible to add a golang client implementation ?

Thank you !

doriotp commented 5 months ago

Hi @GaetanBaert could you please give more context on it. As far as i understood "connect as a client with my Golang app," it typically implies that you want to create a Golang program that interacts with another service or server, right?

GaetanBaert commented 5 months ago

Actually, I'm creating a heavy client in Golang (with Fyne) which connects to a python backend. Currently it works with the client implementation fom https://github.com/googollee/go-socket.io, but it forced me to use an old version of python-socketio. On the other hand, there is a mobile app which should connect to the python backend too, but I can't connect due to using the old version of python-socketio, I don't find a compatible combination.

zishang520 commented 5 months ago

I have this plan, I’ve been quite busy lately😵.

GaetanBaert commented 5 months ago

Take your time, there are no emergencies on my side :)

justvisiting commented 5 months ago

I have this plan, I’ve been quite busy lately😵.

How can I help with this. Need a bit urgently

GaetanBaert commented 2 months ago


Any news about it ?