zitmen / thunderstorm

ThunderSTORM: a comprehensive ImageJ plugin for SMLM data analysis and super-resolution imaging
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Maintaining coordinates in whole image space while localising fiducial beads #52

Open MichaelJShannon opened 7 years ago

MichaelJShannon commented 7 years ago

Hi there

I am trying to localise fiducial beads in a STORM image, by using the ROI tool and localising each bead sequentially (on the raw image stacks, in my case nd2).

I then want to use these coordinates to align whole localised maps, so of course the bead coordinates must relate to the whole image coordinates.

Instead I find that when I localise a bead the coordinates relate to that of the bead within the ROI box.

Is there an option to solve this problem within thunderSTORM?


Mike Shannon (Dylan Owen lab, KCL)