ziutek / rrd

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Avoid final garbage value from Fetch() #13

Open thepaul opened 10 years ago

thepaul commented 10 years ago

I'm not 100% certain this is the right fix for everyone- I haven't checked the librrd api or anything, but at least for my use case I always get one garbage value at the end of my Fetch() results. Taking out this "+ 1" makes the data match expectations.

hnakamur commented 10 years ago

Fetch() calls the C function rrd_fetch_r() in rrdtool https://github.com/oetiker/rrdtool-1.x/blob/1.4.8/src/rrd_fetch.c#L183-L203 and rrd_fetch_r() calls rrd_fetch_fn() https://github.com/oetiker/rrdtool-1.x/blob/1.4.8/src/rrd_fetch.c#L205-L483

In rrd_fetch_fn(), one malloc() is called for allocating a memory for two dimensional data (dsCnt * rows * sizeof(rrd_value_t)) https://github.com/oetiker/rrdtool-1.x/blob/1.4.8/src/rrd_fetch.c#L340-L362

Since we are mapping Values []float64 in FetchResult to the malloc'ed memory, we must use the same dsCnt and rows values. https://github.com/ziutek/rrd/blob/f3b7823b2eda557b02d5b92028cc7ab0f7452405/rrd.go#L396-L405 https://github.com/ziutek/rrd/blob/f3b7823b2eda557b02d5b92028cc7ab0f7452405/rrd_c.go#L444-L451

I skimmed the rrd_fetch_fn() source code, https://github.com/oetiker/rrdtool-1.x/blob/1.4.8/src/rrd_fetch.c#L205-L483 but I could not figure out the last data at rows is garbage or not.

I think you can skip reading the last data without this pull request.

thepaul commented 10 years ago

Sure, you can skip reading the last data if you know about the problem. There is a workaround.

But handing back uninitialized values is usually not considered great library behavior.

hnakamur commented 10 years ago

I checked the rrdtutorial example and noticed rrdtool fetch test.rrd AVERAGE --start 920804400 --end 920809200 prints nan at 920809200. I also tested it myself with rrdtool 1.3.8 and confirmed this behavior.

The tutorial saids

The number that is written behind 920809200: in the list above covers the time range from 920808900 to 920809200, EXCLUDING 920809200.

Since Fetch() is meant to get the same result as rrdfetch, I think it's OK as it is. But I leave the final decision to @ziutek

thepaul commented 10 years ago

I wasn't getting NaN, though. I was getting random garbage values.

thepaul commented 10 years ago

this may be convincing:


package main

import (


func main() {
    start, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[2])
    end, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[3])
    result, err := rrd.Fetch(os.Args[1], "AVERAGE", time.Unix(int64(start), 0),
        time.Unix(int64(end), 0), time.Second)
    if err != nil {
    for i := 0; i < result.RowCnt; i++ {
        fmt.Printf(" %d: %.10e\n",
            result.ValueAt(0, i))

output of rrdtool fetch on the test.rrd from the rrdtutorial example:

~% rrdtool fetch test.rrd AVERAGE --start 920804400 --end 920809200

 920804700: -nan
 920805000: 4.0000000000e-02
 920805300: 2.0000000000e-02
 920805600: 0.0000000000e+00
 920805900: 0.0000000000e+00
 920806200: 3.3333333333e-02
 920806500: 3.3333333333e-02
 920806800: 3.3333333333e-02
 920807100: 2.0000000000e-02
 920807400: 2.0000000000e-02
 920807700: 2.0000000000e-02
 920808000: 1.3333333333e-02
 920808300: 1.6666666667e-02
 920808600: 6.6666666667e-03
 920808900: 3.3333333333e-03
 920809200: -nan
 920809500: -nan

output of test program 't':

~% ./t test.rrd 920804400 920809200
 920804700: NaN
 920805000: 4.0000000000e-02
 920805300: 2.0000000000e-02
 920805600: 0.0000000000e+00
 920805900: 0.0000000000e+00
 920806200: 3.3333333333e-02
 920806500: 3.3333333333e-02
 920806800: 3.3333333333e-02
 920807100: 2.0000000000e-02
 920807400: 2.0000000000e-02
 920807700: 2.0000000000e-02
 920808000: 1.3333333333e-02
 920808300: 1.6666666667e-02
 920808600: 6.6666666667e-03
 920808900: 3.3333333333e-03
 920809200: NaN
 920809500: NaN
 920809800: 0.0000000000e+00

..and in some cases (not yet sure which) the last value is something besides 0.0.

hnakamur commented 10 years ago

@thepaul Yes, I'm convinced now. Thanks for your test :-)

Could you test your pull request for a case with dsCnt > 1?