zixaphir / Stable-Diffusion-Webui-Civitai-Helper

Stable Diffusion Webui Extension for Civitai, to manage your model much more easily.
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Not pulling in keywords or any other information from Civit any more #50

Closed ewebgh33 closed 6 months ago

ewebgh33 commented 7 months ago

Have you read document?


Have you checked console log window's msg?

Says scanned 223 models

Describe Issue

Download some Loras from Civit. Some of these have been on civit for many weeks now, they're not new. Tell CivitAiHelper to scan Scan complete, console looks like it is pulling in preview images Restart WebUI (console and browser) Go to Loras Loras have thumbnails thanks to Helper But no other information. No "about", no keywords.

Updated helper just now, and tried scan again.

Checked console, it says " Model metadata not needed" for the new Loras. But there is no metadata showing in the Lora tab in WebUI, keywords and info are blank.

Helper IS pulling in model/lora URL, and if I look at the raw .info file, I can see a description and keywords in the .info. But it's not reading it into the WebUI for some reason.

Same with Checkpoints. I just downloaded epicphotogasm_lastUnicorn and ran the helper. It has a thumbnail and goes to the correct URL. But there is no description, no info.

WebUI issue or CivitAIHelper issue? Please help me to know. I doubt WebUI issue as it used to work fine, and I have not updated WebUI, only Helper. So something must have changed in the Helper.

Screenshot for UI issue

Console log's msg or screenshot for function issue

ewebgh33 commented 7 months ago

Still not sure why it's not working. Steps:

be me downloaded a Lora, ran the helper restart (close page and .bat, re-run it) to make sure everything will re-load go to Loras tab click lora keywords are not added! hmm.jpg open settings of Lora to check... yep, no keywords imported but it's found the URL on Civit and added that.

I can use the URL button to go the civit page, and manually copy/paste the info into the info box, and the keywords/activation phrases. but it's not longer automatically pulled in....

Any updates on what has happened would be great.

zixaphir commented 7 months ago

Heya! Sorry for the late reply. I looked at this a bit ago and tried to replicate it on my end but I am not having this issue. Do you have any other extensions installed?

ewebgh33 commented 7 months ago

Hmm yes, a bunch, but none that are new. That is to say, I have not added anything to Auto1111, that wasn't already there back when the extension WAS working.

Although I have updated the extensions. I will disable them and see if it still happens. Maybe a prior version of one of the extensions was OK, but an update to one caused a conflict? I have: --sd-webui-ar-plus https://github.com/LEv145/--sd-webui-ar-plus Stable-Diffusion-Webui-Civitai-Helper https://github.com/zixaphir/Stable-Diffusion-Webui-Civitai-Helper.git a1111-sd-webui-tagcomplete https://github.com/DominikDoom/a1111-sd-webui-tagcomplete.git adetailer https://github.com/Bing-su/adetailer.git multidiffusion-upscaler-for-automatic1111 sd-dynamic-prompts https://github.com/adieyal/sd-dynamic-prompts.git sd-extension-system-info https://github.com/vladmandic/sd-extension-system-info.git sd-webui-controlnet https://github.com/Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet.git sd-webui-freeu https://github.com/ljleb/sd-webui-freeu sd-webui-reactor https://github.com/Gourieff/sd-webui-reactor stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser https://github.com/AlUlkesh/stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser.git ultimate-upscale-for-automatic1111 https://github.com/Coyote-A/ultimate-upscale-for-automatic1111.git

Interestingly I can see the keywords and info in the .info file, but none of it shows up in the Lora Settings in Auto1111.

zixaphir commented 7 months ago

Can you check your settings and make sure Also add data for WebUI metadata editor is enabled in the Civitai Helper section?

lunar-studio commented 7 months ago

Also, did you have an older version installed (the one that hasn't been maintained)? It writes info/txt files to the model, VAE, and other directories and I noticed that the command window shows that it's skipping things that already had an association. Might be worth backing up those files in case then deleting them (I sorted mine by date and the timestamp then nuked the info files.) Also be sure to have a CivitAI account and an API key (also entered in A1111s Civit settings section) to ensure it's pulling down all the data.

ewebgh33 commented 6 months ago

Also, did you have an older version installed (the one that hasn't been maintained)? It writes info/txt files to the model, VAE, and other directories and I noticed that the command window shows that it's skipping things that already had an association. Might be worth backing up those files in case then deleting them (I sorted mine by date and the timestamp then nuked the info files.) Also be sure to have a CivitAI account and an API key (also entered in A1111s Civit settings section) to ensure it's pulling down all the data.

I did not have a CivitAi API key, didn't know that was needed. I found that in the settings section - wasn't aware that the helper had it's own settings section. In future I would recommend that the settings were also in the same tab as the rest of the CivitAI Helper stuff!

I am now also disabling other extensions to see if I can find any conflicts.

When you say old version, not sure what you mean. I have only used this extension for Lora help (but have been using it for many months, so old version of this extension, yes. Other extension for Lora help, no).

ewebgh33 commented 6 months ago

After adding the API key and also updating all extensions, everything is working again.

So it was either the API key (which I didn't have before, but the extension still pulled in keywords), or updating the other extensions resolved whatever the conflict was.

If the problem happens again, I will check API key and remove extensions to find the problem, but since it's now working, removing extensions didn't actually happen today. :)

Thanks! Can consider bug closed.