zixaphir / appchan-x

The most comprehensive, feature filled 4chan userscript.
134 stars 61 forks source link

1.2.0 Errors and feedback #171

Closed ghost closed 11 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

1.2.0 http://boards.4chan.org/w/res/1480881 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0

[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER) [nsIDOMDocumentFragment.appendChild]" nsresult: "0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER)" location: "JS frame :: file:///C:/Users/---/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/stl52cb4.default/gm_scripts/appchan_x/appchan_x.user.js :: .add :: line 105" data: no] undefined

Happened in http://boards.4chan.org/w/res/1480881 I am unable to click the mozzila addons link I posted in this thread. Only a FEW links in this thread are clickable, and it doesnt seem to matter what they end or start in (http, https, etc.) I can click the pastebin in the OP, but not the one in my post for example.

Feedback: Slideout transition removal on the post form GREATLY increases performance. Having it on at all just seems like it slows the whole page down. Add more options for ricing in the style settings instead of making me write my own CSS for it. This includes the CSS already written under rice. appchan There should be check boxes for italic trips (which arent displaying for me by the way), and bold/normal poster names(span.postername fontstyle is responsive.) I'd also like to see more options under interface options, like padding on the top and bottom of the board form, like you have done for the left and right already. Overall, a solid improvement.

ghost commented 11 years ago

"Block ads" option under aesthetics broke, it doesn't function at all.

ghost commented 11 years ago

While on this topic i'd like to add some errors. The custom CSS option doesn't work. (as said above by xDemonessx) Circle Checkboxes and Rounded Edges also don't work.

The text at the bottom of the cataloge gets cut off and the style switcher for the normal 4chan shows up, it's not functional and it wasn't there before. http://i.imgur.com/P70vvbc.png

The emoj looks a little weird, it's too close to the post edge thing and it's quite noticeable with the emoj for gentoo and ubuntu among few others. (I'm not sure if I'm just noticing it just now or if it was like that all along.) http://i.imgur.com/NvEx46x.png

Spoiler image textbox still takes up 2 lines http://i.imgur.com/RriAxbw.png

Side pagination does not work at all http://i.imgur.com/PK5rVE2.png

Dropdown post menu thingy goes behind post form http://i.imgur.com/pxquv8v.png

Hiding the first post on the main page via the menu thingy above causes it to fly up into the OP http://i.imgur.com/aP9yRoV.png

and an obvious one you probobally already know about is the [ - ] button not working at all for posts other than OP. and when you do make it work, can you try to get the unhide button to be close to the hide button so it's easy to hide and unhide posts.

Code tags don't warp text correctly, the box however does, but the box goes under the thumbnail (I'm not sure if that's going to be easy to fix...if at all possible) http://i.imgur.com/1zQVuC2.png

I'll update this post if I find any more issues. other than that there have been numerous other bugs fixed so I think this update is great.


http://i.imgur.com/V3LbvqN.png IDs look weird and blocky. I checked if it was related to rounded edges not working, but it's not.

zixaphir commented 11 years ago

"Block ads" option under aesthetics broke, it doesn't function at all.

This is fixed now.

The text at the bottom of the cataloge gets cut off

Not experiencing that.

zixaphir commented 11 years ago


Spoiler image textbox still takes up 2 lines

I am not able to duplicate this on any browser.

ghost commented 11 years ago

I am not able to duplicate this on any browser.

It could be an issue with scriptish. I'll see if I can get my settings to work in greasemonkey like I had with scriptish. On the install website it says to use greasemonkey, but I ignored it.

zixaphir commented 11 years ago

It could be an issue with scriptish. I'll see if I can get my settings to work in greasemonkey like I had with scriptish. On the install website it says to use greasemonkey, but I ignored it.

I do development on Scriptish and testing on Greasemonkey, so that's not an issue.

zixaphir commented 11 years ago

So, to recap, here's what's left?

Did I miss anything else?

ghost commented 11 years ago

I do development on Scriptish and testing on Greasemonkey, so that's not an issue.

I just check after moving my settings so, yeah it's still an issue for me. I also disabled all of my addons excluding scriptish and it still happened. I must have got a bad combination of settings, I'll keep mucking around and see what works and still get what I like, other than that I'm not really sure what else could be causing this for me.

Emoji (I don't know how to handle this one? It looks fine to me, need advice)

if it looks fine to you, then don't worry about it.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Emoji is fine. Focus on performance and fixing custom css options. Other than whats listed, I'd like more options on being able to move and customize or resize either the 4chan banner, or board title. Mostly the board title. Having a "board title size" or specific font option or something. I really would like a "slide up" option on the post form if possible, not tabbed either. Is there anyway you can implement a "moveable slide out" option for the post form? Having it stick to the edges but being able to drag it around the sides of the browser, for example. Even having it function the same way the float option does, but setting it to autohide and only show the top post form. I really like being able to move the thread updater, having a post form function similarly would be great.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Looking good. A few more notes and nit picking. Heres a screengrab of what I'm talking about:


When post spacing is set to 0, the bottom border on the post is no longer visible. Of course in a longer string of posts the top border becomes the bottom, however it will always leave the last post with no border and this saddens me. It's something I can live with, but will just notate. The custom board title and new padding options are great. I just wish i had the option to add some more padding for the banner (top and bottom) and the board title (top and bottom). Basically, any of those being flush with the top of my page is not something I like. I'd also like to mention that the span.postertrip italics not working is somewhat solved, for some reason it will not function in custom rice unless its placed anywhere under span.postername. Idk man.

zixaphir commented 11 years ago

When post spacing is set to 0, the bottom border on the post is no longer visible.

I'll fix this, but if the last post in a thread is hidden, the fix won't work (due to CSS's ':last-of-type' selector being unable to distinguish between hidden and visible content, etc)

I just wish i had the option to add some more padding for the banner (top and bottom) and the board title (top and bottom).

I think just having better defaults for that will be a better option. The current "0 spacing" defaults are stupid except for the fixed positioned stuff.

for some reason it will not function in custom rice unless its placed anywhere under span.postername.

Custom CSS has weird issues like that that I'm looking into.