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Can't add new mascots #357

Closed ghost closed 10 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

It seems the dialog for adding new mascot is invisible or bugged. When I close the settings (Since nothing appeared) and try to re open it, it asks me if this (see link)


so did I fuck up somewhere or is it a bug on your end? (It started bugging after I added one mascot. When I reloaded the page, my mascot had dissapeared and I could no longer add anymore)

Vafarien commented 11 years ago

I just added a custom mascot with no trouble at all, it might be something on your end?

seaweedchan commented 11 years ago

Try right clicking and using "Inspect Element" when you open up the [invisible] mascot dialog. If the HTML is there and you click it it should give you an idea of where its actually hidden.

Also please list your browser.

Vafarien commented 11 years ago


ghost commented 11 years ago

Okay this has to be the weirdest thing ever. I literally just tried, and the dialog appeared. However, after saving it, (It said your mascot X has been saved), I refreshed the page, and my mascot didn't save, and when I tried opening another dialog, the same problem reappeared, the dialog wasn't appearing. I'm using Chrome 27.0.1453.110 m

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'position' of undefined script.js:10929 Denying load of chrome-extension://gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom/jquery/css/images/ui-bg_gloss-wave_75_2191c0_500x100.png. Resources must be listed in the web_accessible_resources manifest key in order to be loaded by pages outside the extension. boards.4chan.org/:1 Failed to load resource chrome-extension://invalid/ Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 (Gateway Time-out) http://thumbs.4chan.org/a/thumb/1370969139158s.jpg

Those are the error in my console. I can't even show my mascots anymore.

ghost commented 11 years ago

I can't even inspect it, as the nothing changes, nothing happens, normally, even if the dialog was invisible, I wouldn't be able to see my mascot list anymore, and I should have a dialog at the bottom of my browser. However, my mascot lists stays as if nothing happened. What should I do? (Screenshot is what is shown when I click "add mascot") Also, I haven't been able to save any settings. I went in the "advanced" tab to put the sage icon AFTER the name instead of BEFORE, and everytime I do it then close the settings, it didn't apply. http://i.imgur.com/1wACuys.jpg

https://mega.co.nz/#!WdsChSqC!FxWv-X0hFJ09BvWhw8sBnhyr09BsRA31LiPPKqemWk8 Here's my exported settings

Yttrium-tYcLief commented 11 years ago

@destinyshihn see #359

seaweedchan commented 11 years ago

I can't even inspect it, as the nothing changes, nothing happens

Right click anywhere, inspect element. There doesn't need to be anything there to find it in the element inspector as it gives a layout of the DOM to show what's really there (even if hidden) and what's not.

ghost commented 11 years ago

This error appears in the console when I add a mascot Failed to load resource http://static.4chan-ads.org/ados.js Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'position' of undefined script.js:10929

Can't find it.

Also, why are you referencing me to #359? I have the same problem but it ain't solved what do you want?

ghost commented 11 years ago


Qwerty439 commented 10 years ago

I'm having this same issue on Chrome 28.0.1500.95. The add mascot box is not appearing and the same dialogue is appearing afterwards.

ghost commented 10 years ago

literally 2 months ago nah just give up

zixaphir commented 10 years ago

http://crbug.com/261623 probably related. As per https://github.com/MayhemYDG/4chan-x/issues/1202, try deleting the following folder: C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Sync Extension Settings\gfibffekgcmgabbfaibbbcapgnfobnoi

Qwerty439 commented 10 years ago

I deleted the folder and restarted Chrome, but it didn't help.

zixaphir commented 10 years ago

Qwerty439: And it's occurring after trying to add a new mascot? If you don't mind, could you share the mascot you're trying to add? Or is it just any mascot?

Qwerty439 commented 10 years ago

The dialog box appears after I try to add a mascot and then click on some other button that links to a new page of the settings. For example, opening "Settings" from the options button, navigating to a new page in the settings, and "Edit custom board navigation" from the Header slideout in the options button.

I am having trouble adding any mascot at the moment. Nothing happens when I click on the "Add mascot" link if I have mascots enabled, however the box appears normally and it does allow me to enter the mascot as usual if I have them disabled. However, when I reload the page the mascot is not saved with the exception of this single image. I'm not sure why that one was saved. I tried hosting it on other services like imgur and puush, but those weren't saved by Appchan nor were any other images I tried to host on minus.

This began a week or two ago when I cleared out all my mascots to start over, so I tried to undelete some of those, both those that came with Appchan by default and ones I had added by myself. The mascots that had been entered prior to my full deletion do successfully stay saved and active across page reloads, but no mascots are currently being displayed at all.

Qwerty439 commented 10 years ago

I tried a few more things.

I exported the settings and reinstalled Appchan twice, both times the fresh install behaved normally but problems reemerged when I imported my settings. Also it seems that the issue with old mascots not appearing is not consistent, it might be present and then work normally in subsequent reloads of the same page.

Here is my settings JSON http://puu.sh/3XcUD.json

zixaphir commented 10 years ago

All right. I'm noticing a couple of things right off the bat. For one, you have mascots enabled that simply don't exist in your config. (hairpin, Rikka). Future version of Appchan will prune these without causing errors, but for now, let's just try a config with no mascots enabled and work from there: http://a.pomf.se/6Ii7.json

The second is that you're using download links as mascots. I don't know if it causes issues or not, but it weirds me out.

Qwerty439 commented 10 years ago

With that config it seems I am able to pull up the Add Mascot box more easily, though it sometimes takes multiple clicks. Mascots still sporadically fail to load in and don't save after I enter new ones. In one case a mascot loaded that I had deleted.

What do you mean that I am using download links, you mean URLs like "http://i.imgur.com/kWypDVt.png"? What else would I use?

zixaphir commented 10 years ago

No, I mean, it's using URLs like http://imgur.com/download/kWypDVt

ghost commented 10 years ago

I deleted the folder you mentionned in Sync Extention Settings, then restarted Chrome, I can now display the default mascots, but I still can't add my own.

zixaphir commented 10 years ago

@destinyshihn: How are you adding them? Are you uploading them to an image host first, or just uploading it straight to appchan? Because if it's the latter, try the former, as the latter is known to cause issues.

ghost commented 10 years ago

I use shift click to add an image file straight from my computer. I'll try uploading it on imgur first

ghost commented 10 years ago

Welp it worked with imgur. Thanks