zixaphir / appchan-x

The most comprehensive, feature filled 4chan userscript.
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Thread/post hiding buttons gone #531

Closed michaelfeb16 closed 10 years ago

michaelfeb16 commented 10 years ago

Thread and post hiding buttons are no longer being displayed. Firefox is updated to version 26. All extensions updated. Tested with all other extensions disabled, buttons still do not appear. Buttons do not appear in a new, clean profile either.


    01:08:12.949 Expected ':' but found '/'.  Declaration dropped. a
    01:08:13.066 Selector expected.  Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. a:1
    01:08:13.067 Error in parsing value for 'transform'.  Declaration dropped. a:1
    01:08:13.067 Unknown property 'speak'.  Declaration dropped. a:1
    01:08:13.067 Error in parsing value for 'background-repeat'.  Declaration dropped. a:1
    01:08:13.067 Error in parsing value for 'background-attachment'.  Declaration dropped. a:1
    01:08:13.067 Error in parsing value for 'background-position'.  Declaration dropped. a:1
    01:08:13.068 Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element 'placeholder'.  Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. a:1
    01:08:13.068 Expected an integer but found '0.8'.  Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped. a:1
    01:08:13.068 Expected an integer but found '0.8'.  Error in parsing value for 'background'.  Declaration dropped. a:1
    01:08:13.068 Expected end of value but found 'border-top'.  Error in parsing value for 'border-bottom'.  Declaration dropped. a:1
    01:08:13.144 Error in parsing value for '-moz-text-size-adjust'.  Declaration dropped. yotsubluenew.537.css:1
    01:08:13.144 Expected media feature name but found '-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio'. yotsubluenew.537.css:2
    01:08:13.145 Error in parsing value for '-moz-text-size-adjust'.  Declaration dropped. yotsubluemobile.537.css:1
    01:08:13.146 Unknown property 'user-select'.  Declaration dropped. yotsubluemobile.537.css:1
    01:08:13.146 Error in parsing value for 'max-width'.  Declaration dropped. yotsubluemobile.537.css:13
    01:08:13.146 Error in parsing value for 'max-height'.  Declaration dropped. yotsubluemobile.537.css:14
    01:08:13.203 Error in parsing value for '-moz-text-size-adjust'.  Declaration dropped. futabanew.537.css:1
    01:08:13.203 Expected media feature name but found '-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio'. futabanew.537.css:1
    01:08:13.204 Error in parsing value for '-moz-text-size-adjust'.  Declaration dropped. burichannew.537.css:1
    01:08:13.205 Expected media feature name but found '-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio'. burichannew.537.css:1
    01:08:13.206 Error in parsing value for '-moz-text-size-adjust'.  Declaration dropped. yotsubanew.537.css:1
    01:08:13.206 Expected media feature name but found '-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio'. yotsubanew.537.css:2
    01:08:13.207 Error in parsing value for '-moz-text-size-adjust'.  Declaration dropped. photon.537.css:1
    01:08:13.208 Expected media feature name but found '-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio'. photon.537.css:1
    01:08:13.209 Error in parsing value for '-moz-text-size-adjust'.  Declaration dropped. tomorrow.537.css:1
    01:08:13.209 Expected media feature name but found '-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio'. tomorrow.537.css:1
    01:08:13.230 Unknown property 'user-select'.  Declaration dropped. a:1
    01:08:13.231 Unknown property 'box-sizing'.  Declaration dropped. a:1
    01:08:13.438 TypeError: select.options["0"] is undefined appchan-x.user.js:13476
    01:08:13.450 TypeError: b is null core-compiled.754.js:25


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michaelfeb16 commented 10 years ago

Issue remains with 2.8.5.

Are old versions available anywhere? I regret letting it update from 2.8.

I miss 4chan.

zixaphir commented 10 years ago

Should be fixed.