This website is dedicated to those who are curious about EDM music as well as the community. It will not only include general information, but I will also be including my own personal experiences.
I really loved you webpage, the theme was consistent, and it had a lot of information. I also liked how include a logo, and user interaction such as changing the background color.
Technical issues/bugs/suggestions
For your home page I would suggest making the video fit the screen and having the title label as a over lay, that will create more scroll space, as you can place "What is EDM" blow the video .
For "EDM Festivals that I Recommend" is the only title page underlined, I'm not sure it was suppose to be since the others we not.
Suggestions on content
I would suggest making your logo a link to your home page
I really loved you webpage, the theme was consistent, and it had a lot of information. I also liked how include a logo, and user interaction such as changing the background color.
Technical issues/bugs/suggestions
Suggestions on content