zizhongyan / vim-stata

Vim Plugin for Running Selected Do-File in Stata
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Hot keys not working #4

Open jmillanq opened 3 years ago

jmillanq commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm moving to Neovim because Vim has multiple issues with Python versions. However, after installing I try run Stata and things get a bit weird. If I open from terminal nvim and then when I'm in nvim I open a do file ("e ~/example.do"), when I select and press F9, nothing happens.

In addition, if I select a line and type: :'<,'>call RunDoLines() The line runs in Stata.

However if I open the file directly: :nvim ~/example.do Then when I use F9 works well.

In no case the Crtl-Shift-x is working. I am attaching a copy of my .init Thanks in advance J """"""
