zji90 / SCRAT

SCRAT: Single-Cell Regulome Analysis Tool
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Is it possible to work on the cell*peak matrix for single cell ATAC data? #2

Open wbaopaul opened 5 years ago

wbaopaul commented 5 years ago

I wanted to try the clustering method used in your method. Is there any function in the package supporting clustering the cell*peak matrix for scATAC? (not the GUI version.) Thanks

zji90 commented 5 years ago

Hi, there is no readily to be used R function to do clustering but I have excerpted the code in GUI to do the clustering. See below. Ideally you need to first run dimension reduction (PCA,tsne,umap...) and then run the clustering. There are many different clustering methods. 'reducedata' will be your input and 'res' is the output. Each row is a cell and each column is a reduced dimension.

reducedata <- matrix(rnorm(500),nrow=100)


x <- 2:min(20,nrow(reducedata)) y <- sapply(x, function(k) { set.seed(12345) clu <- kmeans(reducedata,k,iter.max = 100)$cluster cluSS <- sum(sapply(unique(clu),function(i) { sum(rowSums(sweep(reducedata[clu==i,,drop=F],2,colMeans(reducedata[clu==i,,drop=F]),"-")^2)) })) 1-cluSS/sum((sweep(reducedata,2,colMeans(reducedata),"-"))^2) })
y <- c(0,y) x <- c(1,x) clunum <- which.min(sapply(x, function(i) { x2 <- pmax(0,x-i) sum(lm(y~x+x2)$residuals^2) }))

set.seed(12345) res <- kmeans(reducedata,clunum,iter.max = 100)$cluster


datahclust <- hclust(dist(reducedata)) x <- 2:min(20,nrow(reducedata)) y <- sapply(x, function(k) { clu <- cutree(datahclust,k) cluSS <- sum(sapply(unique(clu),function(i) { sum(rowSums(sweep(reducedata[clu==i,,drop=F],2,colMeans(reducedata[clu==i,,drop=F]),"-")^2)) })) 1-cluSS/sum((sweep(reducedata,2,colMeans(reducedata),"-"))^2) })
y <- c(0,y) x <- c(1,x) clunum <- which.min(sapply(x, function(i) { x2 <- pmax(0,x-i) sum(lm(y~x+x2)$residuals^2) })) res <- cutree(datahclust,clunum)


library(mclust) x <- 2:min(20,nrow(reducedata)) clunum <- Mclust(reducedata,G=x,modelNames="VVV",priorControl(functionName="defaultPrior", shrinkage=0.1))$G res <- Mclust(reducedata,G=clunum,modelNames="VVV",priorControl(functionName="defaultPrior", shrinkage=0.1)) res <- apply(res$z,1,which.max)


library(dbscan) minpts <- 20 alldist <- sort(kNNdist(reducedata,minpts)) x <- 1:length(alldist) eps <- alldist[which.min(sapply(x, function(i) { x2 <- pmax(0,x-i) sum(lm(alldist~x+x2)$residuals^2) }))] res <- dbscan(reducedata,eps=eps,minPts=minpts)$cluster

wbaopaul commented 5 years ago

Got you. If I have a cellpeak matrix and I did PCA/TSNE/UMAP on it, then I use one of those clustering methods, is this the typical way for SCRAT doing clustering? or Do I need to do something else on the cellpeak matrix before I did PCA/TSNE/UMAP? Thanks.

zji90 commented 5 years ago

Yes. SCRAT by default also performs standardization for each cell across all peaks/features to have mean 0 and sd 1. The standardized data is sent to PCA/tsne/umap (Note that for PCA, standardization for each feature across all cells is still needed, so two steps of standardization) and finally do clustering.

wbaopaul commented 5 years ago

It's very clear now, thanks.