zjp-CN / mdbook-theme

A preprocessor and a backend to config themes for mdbook, especially creating a pagetoc on the right and setting full color themes from the offical ace editor.
MIT License
38 stars 3 forks source link

readme中的action构建失败 #4

Closed shenjackyuanjie closed 1 year ago

shenjackyuanjie commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/shenjackyuanjie/Difficult-Rocket/actions/runs/4454237547/jobs/7823292226 可以查看这里 mdbook-theme使用的是本地构建的 v0.1.2 wsl构建之后上传至release,在github action中下载

使用范例中的下载方式依然有相同问题 本地构建成功

shenjackyuanjie commented 1 year ago

需要注意的是 我在删除readme中范例下载方式之后成功构建 https://github.com/shenjackyuanjie/Difficult-Rocket/actions/runs/4454246016/jobs/7823305333

shenjackyuanjie commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/shenjackyuanjie/Minecraft_Science_Tree/releases/tag/0.0.2 本地上传的构建版本号在这里有说明

zjp-CN commented 1 year ago
Unable to parse the input
[WARN] (mdbook::preprocess::cmd): Error writing the RenderContext to the backend, Broken pipe (os error 32)
[ERROR] (mdbook::utils): Error: The "theme" preprocessor exited unsuccessfully with exit status: 1 status

这可能是因为 mdbook-theme 使用太旧的 mdbook 版本,我更新了所有依赖并发布了 v0.1.3,此时它是最新的 release ,无需改动 CI。

shenjackyuanjie commented 1 year ago
