zju3dv / DetectorFreeSfM

Code for "Detector-Free Structure from Motion", CVPR 2024
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roi_align.crop_and_resize #58

Open takafire2222 opened 2 months ago

takafire2222 commented 2 months ago

I successfully exported to Colmap, but I am encountering an error with roi_align.crop_and_resize_cpu as crop_and_resize_cpu. The installation completed without any issues. My environment is using CUDA Toolkit 11.8. Is there a problem with the PyTorch version I am using? Additionally, can this error be ignored without affecting the Colmap format data? If anyone knows, please let me know.

[2024/07/29 21:53:06 hloc INFO] IncrementalMapperOptions: min_num_matches = 15 ignore_watermarks = False multiple_models = True max_num_models = 50 max_model_overlap = 20 min_model_size = 10 init_image_id1 = -1 init_image_id2 = -1 init_num_trials = 200 extract_colors = True num_threads = 8 min_focal_length_ratio = 0.1 max_focal_length_ratio = 10.0 max_extra_param = 1.0 ba_refine_focal_length = True ba_refine_principal_point = False ba_refine_extra_params = True ba_min_num_residuals_for_multi_threading = 50000 ba_local_num_images = 6 ba_local_function_tolerance = 0.0 ba_local_max_num_iterations = 25 ba_global_use_pba = False ba_global_pba_gpu_index = -1 ba_global_images_ratio = 1.1 ba_global_points_ratio = 1.1 ba_global_images_freq = 500 ba_global_points_freq = 250000 ba_global_function_tolerance = 0.0 ba_global_max_num_iterations = 50 ba_local_max_refinements = 2 ba_local_max_refinement_change = 0.001 ba_global_max_refinements = 5 ba_global_max_refinement_change = 0.0005 snapshot_path = snapshot_images_freq = 0 image_names = set() fix_existing_images = False

0%| | 0/1 [00:23<?, ?it/s] Error executing job with overrides: ['+demo=dfsfm.yaml'] Traceback (most recent call last):

n/roi_align.py", line 4, in from .crop_and_resize import CropAndResizeFunction, CropAndResize File "/home/denpozi/anaconda3/envs/detectorfreesfm2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/roi_align/crop_and_resize.py", line 7, in import roi_align.crop_and_resize_cpu as crop_and_resize_cpu ImportError: /home/denpozi/anaconda3/envs/detectorfreesfm2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/roi_align/crop_and_resize_cpu.cpython-39-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: _ZN3c105ErrorC2ENS_14SourceLocationENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE

takafire2222 commented 2 months ago


wangchaofan2018 commented 1 month ago

hello. I had the same problem. how to fix it?